Prototypes of cargo bike poles.

Strasbourg on October 12, 2020. -

G. Varela / 20 Minutes

  • The Strasbourg Eurometropolis is experimenting with four hoops for cargo bikes with the aim of promoting its use by reducing theft.

  • Users are invited to give their opinion on the city's website or via a QR code displayed in the immediate vicinity of the hoops under test.

  • Ultimately, they will be deployed across the city, and may replace on-street parking spaces.

Impossible not to cross them.

Cargo bikes are spreading at high speed at high speed in Strasbourg.

Families, delivery people, artisans, traders, associations… With, depending on usage, a cabin in front, behind, in tow.

The cargo bike seems to be attractive.

Or at least meet the mobility constraints in an almost pedestrianized city.

Problem, these vehicles, mostly electric, are expensive, even very expensive.

Sometimes up to 10,000 euros.

So difficult to leave them lying around in the street but not easy either to park them overnight or just for a run.

All the more so when the buildings are old and you have to climb the stairs to reach the interior courtyard, which is often the case in Strasbourg.

Another disadvantage is their size which does not allow, most of the time, to attach them to a simple bicycle hoop.

Prototypes of cargo bike poles.

Strasbourg on October 12, 2020. - G. Varela / 20 Minutes

Also, the Eurometropolis is experimenting with four prototypes of bicycle hoops specially designed for them.

The objective is to fight against theft, a scourge and a real brake on their development, to test their wear and resistance, but also to study on which sites across the city and then across the territory they will be installed.

This "replaces at least one car"

For the time being, they are set at the foot of the Cité de la musique de la danse, Place Dauphine in Strasbourg.

A location chosen "for its proximity to a very busy cycle track, a music and dance school and a shopping center" justifies Alain Jund, vice-president of the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg in charge of travel and cycling policy.

“Because the idea is multi-use and an alternative to the private car.

The cargo bike replaces at least one car, assures Alain Jund, while responding to the problem of the last mile for companies.


Prototypes of cargo bike poles.

Strasbourg on October 12, 2020. - G. Varela / 20 Minutes

To the four models of hoops is attached a marking on the ground delimiting an area of ​​just over 4 m2, as well as a small message reminding cyclists that they are reserved for cargo bikes.

All the experienced models allow you to easily attach your mount, some more bulky than others.

The user is invited to give his opinion, on the site of the city or on via a display panel placed in the immediate vicinity of the hoops experienced with a QR code.

“Everyone is invited to give their opinion,” explains Sophie Dupressoir, municipal councilor responsible for cycling and walking.

Our dossier on cycling

But the deployment of these hoops could well cringe motorists, because some will replace "street parking spaces ensures Sophie Dupressoir But also in car parks under construction.

»Less car parking spaces, enough to rage traders once again?

"It's user-friendly to have a cargo bike in front of your shop", answers Alain Jund.


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  • Mobility

  • Bike

  • Air pollution

  • Transport

  • Strasbourg

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  • ecology

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