Back with a new season of "Secrets d'Histoire" on France 3, the host of Europe 1 tells Anne Roumanoff about the severe education he received as a child, and how it still influences his work today.


“I was educated very severely,” remembers Stéphane Bern, yet smiling.

The host, at the helm of the program Historically yours with Matthieu Noël, on Europe 1, was Thursday the guest of Anne Roumanoff, for some more intimate confidences.

He told us about his childhood and his education, to say the least.

>> Find all of Anne Roumanoff's shows in replay and podcast here

For the history fan, who has just published his book

Secrets of History - Volume 10

, to go back in the past of his childhood, it is to recall memories not very inviting.

“When I was little and there was a steak for dinner, if I didn't eat the fat from the meat, my parents would serve it for me for breakfast the next day,” he explains.

"And I was given nothing else to eat until I had eaten the fat."

One memory among others that he spoke with his parents years later.

“I told them later that it was on the verge of abuse,” he laughs.

"But back then the laws weren't the same."


From Antiquity to the present day, a little history of laughter, by Stéphane Bern

To be "a good little soldier"

These memories are today behind Stéphane Bern, even if one of them particularly marked him: that of his mother repeating to him: "We only deserve the love of others if we are a good kid. soldier".

"I have the feeling that this is why I do the same," he analyzes.

"I tell myself that I only deserve the love of the public if I do all my homework, on TV, on the radio, in books ..."

Those who sleep four to five hours a night are not unemployed.

The tenth volume of his book series 

Secrets d'Histoire

 was published on October 1, the new season of the show is broadcast every Monday on France 3, it is present on Europe 1 from Monday to Friday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in

Historically yours,

the new issue of its magazine

Mission Patrimoine 

was published on October 7, and it manages the Loto du patrimoine.

A ministerial schedule, if not more, in short.

Stéphane Bern will also host the final of the Eurovision Junior singing competition on November 29.