New Corona “Increasing and Decreasing Factors Against” Government Subcommittee October 15, 21:41

Regarding the status of infection with the new coronavirus, the factors that increase and decrease are currently competing, and the government subcommittee, which is taking measures, said that it is safe to expand at any time. We have put together a recommendation that the government should show if it is at high risk or based on a detailed analysis.

At the government subcommittee held on the 15th, recommendations to the government were compiled based on an expert analysis of the infection situation.

The recommendations state that the current infection situation has not seen a significant increase due to the competing factors of increasing and decreasing infections, but has not seen a sharp decrease.


it and that activity is fostering the feeling that you want ▽ as much as possible to return to normal life as the increase factors are activated, while mentioned that you place also diversification of cluster occurrence,

it is as a reduction factor ▽ infection It mentions high-risk places and refraining from actions.

However, it is not strange that the factors of increase and decrease are competing with each other at any time, and there is a risk that the infection will spread if a chain of clusters occurs in some areas that actually show an increasing trend. ..

The subcommittee then

urged the government to


what specific actions are at high risk based on a detailed analysis and

to take early


to prevent the spread of infection from the cluster.

Shigeru Omi, chairman of the subcommittee, said, "It is the responsibility of the experts to explain what is behind the current infection situation and what should be done in the future. What kind of action is taken by the government? I would like you to promptly send a message that makes it easy to understand what kind of behavior is high and the risk of infection is low. "