In "Without Appointment" this Thursday, doctor Jimmy Mohamed takes stock of food diversification in babies.

An essential step for the good growth of the child, often a source of stress for young parents, which must be done gradually and "in the cool". 

It is often a headache for young parents: food diversification for toddlers.

This Thursday in "Sans Rendez-vous" on Europe 1, Doctor Jimmy Mohamed takes stock of this essential step for the good growth of a baby.

If there are debates on the subject according to cultures and ethnicities, one thing is certain, reminds the doctor: "from 6 months to the age of three, the child needs 500 ml of milk as a supplement to their diet. "

Diversification begins long before, around four months. 

>> Find all of Sans rendez-vous in replay and podcast here

Easily digestible vegetables

And the first food to introduce, "they are easily digestible vegetables, such as carrots, spinach, zucchini ... Seedless and skinless foods", explains Jimmy Mohamed.

Then, "little by little around the age of six months, we tackle the meat and the fish, mixed of course. We start with 10 grams, or two teaspoons, and gradually increase to 20 grams per day."

But we must not forget the fat either, to help the child gain weight.

And in this area, Doctor Jimmy Mohamed has his preferences.

"Linseed or rapeseed oil, because they are rich in Omega 3 and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which helps create gray matter."

Food diversification must be a game

Beyond the rhythm of the introduction of these new foods, the doctor insists on one point: "food diversification must be a game, we are going cool."

Thus, if a child does not like a food, it should not be forced.

“They do what they want,” he sums up. 

Finally, last tip from Jimmy Mohamed: "In case of doubt, there is a page in your child's health record devoted to food diversification. You will find a lot of information there, in particular the age at which to introduce the eggs or starchy foods. "