Life as a Cardon Cathedral

Audio 48:30

Cover of the book "Cathédrale" by Cardon Credits: Le Monte En l'Air / Super Loto Editions

By: Jean-François Cadet Follow

50 min

The designer and caricaturist Jacques-Armand Cardon publishes a book entitled “Cardon Cathedral” for Le Monte en l'air and Super Loto.


We first know Jacques-Armand Cardon for his caricatures, his press cartoons, in particular those published in the French satirical weekly Le Canard Enchainé, of which he has become one of the pillars.

He likes to draw his characters from the back, often three-quarter-back, a strange way of making us look the world in the face.

“Seen from the back” was the title of one of his collections.

But he is also an art designer, whose large formats have appeared in several magazines, such as "Les cahiers dessinés".

Through his silent, dark and icy drawings, this former worker in the Lorient arsenals gives us an uncompromising look at the cruelty of the world and the cynicism of the powerful.

Here he is back with a colossal project, the foundations of which we will explore with him.

Jacques-Armand Cardon

presents his work “Cardon Cathedral” published in a Le Monte En l'Air / Super Loto Editions co-edition.


Fanny Bleichner visited the exhibition "Esprit es-tu là?"

which is currently being held in Paris, at the Maillol museum.

She is interested in spiritualist painters ... 


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