WEB reservation of PCR test Available from 8th for business travelers 6:04 on October 8th

In anticipation that the restricted traffic to and from overseas will be gradually eased due to the effects of the new coronavirus, the government will operate a new system that allows travelers for business purposes to make reservations for PCR tests online. Will start on the 8th.

Currently restricted foreign traffic is expected to be gradually mitigated to countries and regions where the infection has subsided, but upon entry, a certificate showing a negative PCR test is given. It is expected that there will be more demands.

For this reason, the government will start operating a system that allows medical institution reservations on the web from the 8th so that travelers for business purposes can be inspected promptly.

Approximately 300 medical institutions nationwide are registered on the website, and you can see when and how much the test is available, and you can choose when and where to take the test.

According to the government, about 8,000 people can be inspected per day on weekdays.

The government is also considering a mechanism to allow the documents of test results to be received on smartphones without going to a medical institution, and hopes to support smooth travel for business purposes.