He needs 32.7 thousand dirhams for the last two years and the current one

Rent arrears threaten Abu Munira with imprisonment and displacement of his family

"Abu Munira" suffers from difficult financial conditions, which caused his inability to pay the rent arrears for the house in which he lives with his family of six, and the owner of the house threatens them with expulsion. He also threatened that "Abu Munira" will be imprisoned, if the amount of 32 thousand and 700 dirhams is not paid. The value of the rent arrears accumulated on it from the past two years and the current one, which leads to the displacement of the family.

Abu Munira faced great difficulty in managing his rent arrears, after he lost his job several months ago, as a result of the bankruptcy of the company in which he was working, and he was unable to find alternative work in order to be able to support his family or pay off his debts.

Abu Munira is an Egyptian (52 years old), who is the sole breadwinner for his family, and is currently unemployed. He relies on help he receives from good people that are barely sufficient for the daily expenses of the family. He appealed to the people of good and merciful hearts to extend a helping hand to him and help him pay an amount 32 thousand and 700 dirhams, rent arrears to save him from prison and prevent the homelessness of his family members.

"Their financial condition worsened after he became unemployed, due to the loss of the company in which he worked, and his services were terminated, so he knocked on the doors of several agencies to get any work to no avail," Abu Munira said.

He added that he is currently threatened with entering prison if he does not pay the rent arrears accumulated on him, and he tried to borrow and knocked on all doors, but all his attempts were unsuccessful, and currently he does not know how to get out of this impasse, appealing to the good people to help him in light of the difficult circumstances he is going through, and to help him Paying rent arrears to the owner of the house, so that his family would not become homeless. “Abu Munira” confirmed that he is the only provider for his family of six, and he became unemployed, due to circumstances beyond his control, and he has no source of income, and he lives on aid he receives from family and friends.

"Abu Munira" suffers from unemployment after ending his services, and failing to get a new job opportunity.