The sentence that condemns the University of Barcelona for its manifesto of rejection of the 1-O ruling reveals to what extent the independence movement instrumentalizes the university in Catalonia.

As this newspaper revealed yesterday, Ana Alonso, magistrate of the Contentious-Administrative Court number 3 of Barcelona, ​​considers that the statement that the Catalan public universities signed in October 2019 to condemn the sentence of the illegal referendum violates the right to ed

ucation, to freedom of expression and ideological freedom.

The judge ruled that "the university is part of the public administration" and, therefore, "is subject to the duty of neutrality." Only in a territory gangrene by the blind fanaticism of an ideology that excludes half of the Catalans can turn universities into instruments of agitation and indoctrination.

The parties and social entities of separatism do not hide that the protection of these enclosures is a priority in their roadmap to control relevant sources of civil society.

After four decades of nationalist hegemony, and with secessionist forces emboldened by the weakness of the Government, the public universities in Catalonia have ended up being a partisan battering ram of intolerance, sectarianism and the single dogma imposed by the enemies of reason.

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