I hope to increase the travel experience of tourists and get more exposure to ancient poetry

  Poems and a thousand frontier fortress poems in Yumenguan Scenic Area in the distance add artistic conception

Wang Zhihuan’s "Liangzhou Ci" was enlarged and placed in the most conspicuous position of the scenic spot

  During the National Day holiday this year, many people chose to visit the Yumenguan Scenic Area in Dunhuang, Gansu.

Tourists find in the scenic area that no matter where they go, they will almost always see poems about frontier fortresses.

According to the staff of the Yumenguan Scenic Area, there are nearly a thousand frontier fortress poems arranged in the scenic area, and these poems are posted everywhere, even in the bathroom, "to allow visitors to deeply appreciate the scenery and artistic conception of the border."

  According to a reporter from the Beijing Youth Daily, Yumen Pass is commonly known as Xiaofangpan City. It was built when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty opened the road to the Western Regions and set up the four counties of Hexi. The existing Guancheng is square and the surrounding walls are well-preserved. The gate, the widest part of the base of the wall is 5 meters, there is a city wall on it, and there is a horse road to the top of the southeast corner of the city. It was once an important military pass and Silk Road traffic artery in the Han Dynasty.

  The staff of the Yumen Pass Scenic Area told the Beiqing Daily reporter that Yumen Pass can be said to be a monument to the frontier fortress in the hearts of poets in ancient times. There are nearly a thousand frontier fortress poems preserved.

In recent years, the staff of the scenic spot began to sort out poems related to the frontier fortresses, often posting them on Weibo in the scenic spot.

  “Later we started to post these frontier poems in the scenic area, including the walls of the scenic area, museums, and even toilets.” The staff member said, “Nowadays, there are not many opportunities for people to come into contact with ancient poems in life, but at Yumen Pass, Seeing this kind of lonely smoke in the desert, only with ancient poems can we truly appreciate the mood of the ancients. Therefore, we also hope that tourists can come into contact with more ancient poems here and increase their travel experience."

  According to the reporter of Beiqing Daily, most of the frontier fortress poems in Yumenguan Scenic Area were posted on the wall, and some poems were projected. The "Liangzhou Ci" by Wang Zhihuan of the Tang Dynasty was enlarged and placed in the most conspicuous position of the scenic area. .

  "This way of traveling is really good. Traveling to a place is not only to see the scenery here, but also to experience the culture of this place. Reading poetry is a good way to experience culture." Mr. Su who came to Yumenguan for tourism Tell a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily.

  The staff of Yumenguan Scenic Area told reporters from Beiqing Daily that about 300,000 tourists visit Yumenguan Scenic Area every year. “Now in the scenic area, you can often see tourists stop and read in front of an ancient poem. Delighted and satisfied."

  Text/Reporter Fu Yao

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