According to a British study: These men are the most betrayed

A recent British study found that men with deep voices are more likely to attract a partner, but they are also more likely to betray their partners, due to high testosterone levels. Researchers from the University of Southwest China recorded the votes of 88 men and 128 women and then asked them to fill out a form to evaluate Their position on infidelity, according to the British newspaper "Daily Mail".

Women are often attracted to men with low-pitched voices, because they are associated with high levels of testosterone which, in evolutionary terms, indicates that a speaker would be a suitable companion to have healthy children.

However, men with higher levels of testosterone were also more likely to give in to infidelity, care less about their relationship, and ultimately cheat, all of the volunteers were students between the ages of 18 and 25, heterosexual, non-smokers, and in good health. When their voices were recorded.

After they were asked to read a list of words, their audio recordings were analyzed for various types of frequencies and pitches influenced by a number of factors including mouth and throat shape and testosterone levels.

Then they did a psychological test with questions about their attitudes toward fidelity and relationships such as how they felt about a partner's betrayal.

According to Russia Today, the findings concluded that men with deeper voices were less committed to their relationships and more likely to be disloyal.

This indicates that testosterone is the key factor in fidelity, the researchers said.

"Men with higher testosterone levels, and therefore lower voices, may have greater betrayal behaviors or less commitment to their romantic relationship," they wrote.

The team added that having a sexy low voice could be part of the problem because it "makes them more attractive to women, which increases their chances of cheating."

Men with deeper voices were "more likely to engage in infidelity, and reported less commitment to the relationship" compared to those with higher pitch and frequency.

The authors say that people with low levels of testosterone may be "better at reading other people's emotions", which leads to enhanced levels of commitment to relationships.

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