On the list with the title "Pilsnerbil & tjack" were songs like "Mera mål" by Markoolio and "Om Sverige vinner VM" by Fakkboiz.

But it was not the taste in music that struck the 25-year-old man, living in Västernorrland.

Two swastikas appeared in the title of the playlist, and for that he was sentenced by a penalty order to a 40-day fine.

The crime was discovered by chance when a police officer searched for a special song with the word "pilsner", whereupon he discovered the public list.

During the interrogation, the 25-year-old said that he added the swastika so that the list "would be noticed".

Already last year, a person was charged with incitement against an ethnic group on Spotify. This also applied to playlists with a violent, racist name, but the prosecution was dropped because the list was created before the suspect became a criminal.