[Explanation] During the "11th" holiday, various scenic spots in Suzhou launched unique activities to welcome visitors from all directions.

  [Explanation] In Tiger Hill, Suzhou, hundreds of Hanfu fans from all over the country gathered to bring a unique parade to the Jiangnan Han Culture and Art Festival.

In the parade, event participants wore costumes of different dynasties and restored nearly 60 Jiangnan historical and cultural celebrities including Wu Zixu, Sun Wu, Xi Shi, and Tang Bohu.

  [Concurrent] Event participant Zhuang Han

  (I) To play the role of Tang Bohu, I think it is a literati. The foundation of the literati lies.

  [Concurrent] Tourists

  We don't know much about these (cultures) in ancient times, so we should learn more about them.

  [Explanation] In addition to the Hanfu parade, many traditional Chinese etiquettes such as the "Country Drinking Ceremony", "Country Shooting Ceremony", and "Apprentice Ceremony" were also staged during the event.

  [Concurrent] Zheng Qiting, Chief of Publicity Information Section, Management Office of Huqiu Mountain Scenic Spot

  Through the 5-day event, to reproduce our Gusu style, to further spread our Chinese traditional culture, and to enrich the atmosphere of Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day.

  [Explanation] In the Lingering Garden, visitors can enjoy Kunqu Opera, Pingtan, Sizhu and other traditional operas up close.

  [Concurrent] On-site

  [Concurrent] Ru Jun, Deputy Chief of Publicity Planning Section of Suzhou Lingering Garden Management Office

  (This time) there is also a performance of Nanyin. Nanyin is one of the earliest ancient music in China. It had a run-in (creation) with Pingtan. This collision also sparked some sparks, reproducing the ancients in the park. The atmosphere of the tour.

  [Concurrent] Tourists

  After all, it is an ancient garden, so when I see (playing) an ancient young lady playing the piano, I think it will be more like going back to the past, giving people an antique feeling.

  [Explanation] Located in Tongli National Wetland Park in Wujiang District, Suzhou City, a "species course experience week" activity attracted many children to participate.

The wetland park is surrounded by three lakes and has beautiful scenery. Many families choose to have close contact with nature.

  [Concurrent] Tourist Xu Xiaomin

  The air is very good, there are a lot of green plants, and then you can learn knowledge, and the family is happy and good!

  Reporter Ge Yong from Suzhou, Jiangsu

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]