Promote awareness of the UAE's rich natural heritage

"Escape room" .. a virtual game to preserve wildlife

  • The International Fund for Houbara Conservation is a strategic partner in the program.

    From the source


In conjunction with the World Habitat Day, the Connect with Nature program launched the first-of-its-kind 3D virtual game "escape room" related to the concept of preserving the environment and wildlife, which provides young people with a new interactive experience and a unique opportunity to learn and acquire knowledge.

Through a set of exciting challenges, the "escape room" game will enhance awareness among young people about the importance of preserving the houbara and the rich natural heritage in the Emirates.

The Emirates Nature Society and the Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi have launched the "Connect with Nature" program in cooperation with the International Fund for Houbara Conservation as a strategic partner, with the aim of encouraging young generations to explore the rich natural heritage of the UAE and refine their leadership skills to preserve a sustainable future for the planet.

The experience provides young people with the opportunity to virtually connect with nature and develop a better understanding about nature, in addition to gaining more awareness about human influence and the responsibility it has to protect wildlife.

During a period of time not exceeding 10 minutes, players will participate in a virtual journey through the desert in an attempt to survive and face the dangers of sand dunes, by trying to solve a series of puzzles and puzzles using the available evidence, and answer questions and solve them by linking evidence together.

After the successful launch of the traditional "escape room" experience, the "Connect with Nature" program was keen to provide this experience online in light of the outbreak of the new Corona virus and the keenness of many to stay at home, so that this virtual version inspired by the charming desert nature is available to users in the form of a virtual application Innovative.

The virtual experience will educate young people about the importance of preserving a clean environment through waste sorting, and how loud sounds and bright lights can greatly affect wildlife.

Commenting on the launch of this unique experience, Laila Mustafa Abdullatif, Director General of the Emirates Nature Society, said: “We are very pleased to launch the 3D virtual game (escape room), which will provide an interactive and interesting way to enrich and preserve our knowledge about the natural heritage and the rich biodiversity of our country. For future generations ».

For his part, Mohammed Saleh Al-Baidhani, Director General of the International Fund for Houbara Conservation, said: “The (Covid-19) pandemic has imposed unprecedented challenges on various industries and sectors, but at the same time it has produced promising opportunities for those who initiated the adoption of digital technologies since the outbreak of the pandemic.

The launch of the three-dimensional game (Escape Room) in cooperation with the Communication with Nature program represents another step in our commitment to provide educational and entertainment experiences that are interactive and informative for our audience.

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