Celebrities: Intermittent fasting is the easiest key to losing weight

Celebrities like Jennifer Aniston have emphasized that intermittent fasting is the easy key to achieving their weight-loss goals and maintaining their enviable bodies.

But the trendy way to only eat between noon and 8 p.m. does not work, according to a recently published study.

Dr Ethan Weiss, co-author of the new study, published in the JAMA Network Open, said he was sure eating on this schedule worked in his favor.

He maintained this routine for 7 years and suggested fasting 16: 8 for his patients.

When Dr. Weiss and his colleagues conducted a new experiment, they told a group of overweight or obese people that they could eat whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, and another group that could do the same, but only between noon and 8 pm, and the results were disappointing.

Over the course of the 12 weeks of the experiment, everyone lost weight, whether they were fasting or not.

But no one lost much weight, dropping 2.2 pounds (1 kg).

"It's not a very good way to lose weight. It won't be a magic bullet," Dr. Weiss told the Daily Mail.

Intermittent fasting is one of the most recent diets, adopted by Aniston as well as Chloe Kardashian, as well as CEO of "Twitter", Jack Dorsey and dozens of other celebrities.