The spirit of women's volleyball ignited the big screen, and the box office of "Winning Championship" broke 100 million yuan in 2 days

  Women's volleyball players trained as actors

  Gong Li and Lang Ping are integrated

  On September 25th, the first seed player of the "Big Five" in the National Day file this year, "Win the Championship" directed by Chen Kexin was finally released.

  The first day of the film accounted for 29.5% of the film, and the box office received 56 million yuan, surpassing "Yu Hundred" to win the top spot in the single-day box office.

  As of about 20:30 on September 26, when the film was released, the box office had reached 124 million yuan in two days and the Douban score was 7.4.

  On the first day of "Win the Championship", director Chen Kexin also posted on Weibo to share the hard work and hard work behind the scenes of the filming team and thanked the team for their dedication.

  The famous director who has directed "Chinese Partners" and "Dear" said with emotion:

  "In the past three years, we have worked with the screenwriters to prepare materials with awe, and then adapted them. The casting assistant director selected a dozen of them from thousands of women's volleyball players across the country for the acting teacher, and turned them into a magic trick. One trained as an actor...

  All we do is for today, let's play.


  Documentary style authentic restoration

  Indeed, as Chen Kexin said, the director knows the hardships of creation and the anxiety of waiting to be released from the birth to the withdrawal from the Spring Festival file due to the epidemic, to the re-fixing and upgrading of the files.

  At the same time, nearly 40 producers and co-producers behind the film also have high hopes for the film's release.

"Winning the Championship" has a heavy burden on whether or not the first round of the National Day Golden File can be launched.

  The movie is starring Gong Li, Huang Bo, Wu Gang, Peng Yuchang, and Bai Lang. It begins with a return to the Beijing Olympic Women's Volleyball Match on August 15, 2008, China VS the United States.

Lang Ping, wearing gold wire-frame glasses, sat on the coach's bench of the US team with a calm atmosphere and electric eyes.

The passing shadows obscured the camera's sight, and the picture of the Chinese women's volleyball team for more than 30 years was slowly opened.

  Three important points in the history of the Chinese women's volleyball team are selected for the whole film.

In the 1980s, he defeated Japan in the World Cup volleyball match, opening the landmark "Chinese women's volleyball five consecutive championships"; around 2008, Lang Ping served as the head coach of the US women's volleyball team to play against China; and in 2013, Lang Ping was appointed as the head of the Chinese women's volleyball team. The coach brings a new peak of Chinese women's volleyball team.

  "Winning the Championship" is based on the principle of being close to reality, and it is a documentary style film.

Although there are no ups and downs of dramatic conflicts, the Chinese women's volleyball team is the subject of the women's volleyball spirit that has inspired generations of people, which still makes the movie enough.

  Some netizens said that "Winning the Championship" truly restored China's style in the 1980s. Although it lacked material, it was full of idealism and dedication to the honor of the motherland.

  Can't see Gong Li, only Lang Ping

  In addition, "Winning Championship" showed the Chinese women's volleyball team two difficult and brilliant championship games, which was recognized by the audience.

  The first game was in the first half. In 1981, the Chinese women's volleyball team defeated the Japanese team to win the world championship in the third women's volleyball World Cup. This was also the first world championship that the Chinese women's volleyball team won.

This game showed the vigor and passion of the Chinese women's volleyball team at that time.

  In 1981, a huge wave of economic and technological development rushed in. At this time, the Chinese women's volleyball team was born and won the first world championship of China's three major goals with a seven-game victory.

  They worked hard and fought side by side, and achieved the first five consecutive championships in the history of the world women's volleyball team. The women's volleyball girls became the models and pride of the whole people, and became a symbol of China's take-off in the 1980s.

  The second win-win competition was the 2016 Rio Olympics, the Chinese women's volleyball team and the Brazilian women's volleyball team.

"Iron Hammer" Lang Ping took charge of the campaign under the much-anticipated, leading a new generation of women's volleyball team to reverse the victory over the defending world champion Brazil, regaining the Olympic gold medal after 12 years.

  In the film, the 2016 Rio Olympic champion team once again assembled, with Zhu Ting, Hui Ruoqi, Zhang Changning, Ding Xia, Yuan Xinyue and other Chinese women's volleyball team players in their true colors, recreating the thrilling China-Pakistan battle.

  This game is the climax of the movie. The "Lang Ping upper body" Gong Li and the Chinese women's volleyball team cooperated tacitly to truly reproduce the fierce game scene.

When the Chinese women's volleyball team stood on the podium of the Olympic champions and the national anthem was played, not only the actors in the film were crying, but the audience also blushed.

  Some netizens agree with the film's screenwriter Zhang Ji's sigh that the Chinese women's volleyball team has been creating miracles all the way, writing Chinese legends, and the core of the women's volleyball spirit is the code of the Chinese spirit.

  In addition, netizens also praised Gong Li's acting skills as Lang Ping.

Gong Li is no longer seen in "Win the Championship", but Lang Ping is seen.

  This is Lang Ping who is unsmiling and serious, but it is also a Lang Ping who values ​​love and will cry silently.

Lang Ping commented on himself: "I, Lang Ping, never pretend!" And Gong Li really performed this little-spoken female middle school hero.

  Gong Li is integrated with the characters in the film. Whether it is speech tone, walking posture, or even expression, it seems that Lang Ping possesses a body, which is amazing.

  Reporter Lu Fang