Because of an old television ... the internet was cut off daily in a British village for 18 months

Residents of a village in Britain have been confused for months due to the interruption of broadband internet for the entire village at seven in the morning every day.

Then the surprise came when engineers discovered that an old television was behind the mystery that baffled everyone.

The TV owner, in Aberhuisan, Boise, in Wales, was unaware that his old device was sending a jamming signal over the village's broadband internet.

After 18 months, engineers launched an investigation after a cable replacement program failed to solve the problem.

Feeling so embarrassed, the TV owner vowed never to use it again.

According to the British newspaper "BBC", the engineers of the company responsible for maintenance in Britain remained at a loss because of the continuing problem.

They did not find the root of the problem until after they used a monitoring device.

The owner of the TV had switched on the device at 7 in the morning every morning.

The electrical interference from the old TV was affecting the broadband internet signal.

According to one of the company's engineers, the problem has not occurred again since the cause was identified.