Popular penguins babies Shimoda, Shizuoka September 20, 19:24

A baby penguin born this summer shows a lovely appearance at an aquarium in Shimoda City, Shizuoka Prefecture, and is gaining popularity among tourists visiting during consecutive holidays.

A baby King Penguin born last month at the Shimoda Underwater Aquarium has now grown to about 5.8 kg, nearly 20 times its weight when it was born.

Baby penguins have dark brown fluffy feathers and are snuggled up by their mother.

You can see small fish being fed by the keeper and begging by the mother.

On the 20th, the second day of the consecutive holidays, a large number of tourists visited and took pictures of their lovely appearance.

Baby penguins will grow into white and black feathers around next summer.

Mizue Kashiwakura, the keeper, said, "I would like you to come and see the heartwarming appearance of the little baby."