The entrance to the premises of the Ille-et-Vilaine CPAM, in Rennes.

Illustration of social security.


C. Allain / 20 Minutes

The savings and tax increases proposed in a report on the future “autonomy” branch of Social Security were rejected on Wednesday by representatives of nursing home directors and private employers, while the CFDT defended a taxation increased inheritance.

The Inspector of Finance Laurent Vachey, responsible for finding "1 billion euros from 2021 and 3 to 5 billion by 2024", proposed to the government fifteen avenues, including "savings measures" on certain allocations and the planing of several social and fiscal niches.

Leads that "go the opposite of what should be done"

Out of the question for the association of directors of retirement homes AD-PA, which "will never accept reductions in current benefits" and judges in a press release "unthinkable to reduce the tax credit" for nursing home residents “Nor to go back on the possibilities of deductions for home services”.

Same opposition from the Federation of Individual Employers (Fepem), which "protests against the proposal to cut the tax credit" for home employment "and the exemption from contributions for seniors using home help ".

Its president, Marie-Béatrice Levaux, concludes that "the objective of the Vachey report is clearly the destruction of jobs" and that it "would run the risk of destroying a sector".

On the union side, the secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, estimated that "it is on the transmission of high heritage that we must seek funding" for the autonomy branch.

An option considered in the report, via an increase in "transfer taxes".

The leader of the Republican senators, Bruno Retailleau, considers for his part that all the avenues put forward “go the reverse of what should be done”, namely “resolve to work more”.


The “remainder of the charge” decreases further and falls below the 7% mark for households in 2019


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