The sex therapist and psychoanalyst Catherine Blanc responded on Monday in the program "Sans Rendez-vous" to the question of a listener who was wondering how to know when you are in love.

A question far from obvious for the specialist, because the ways of feeling and expressing love are very diverse.

In the program "Sans rendez-vous", the sexologist and psychoanalyst Catherine Blanc answers listeners' questions every day.

Monday, she provided answers to Florent, who has been in a relationship for a year and a half and who wondered how to know when you are in love. 

Florent's question

"I've been with my boyfriend for a year and a half. Everything is going very well every day. The other day, my best friend asked me if I was in love. I couldn't answer her. when do we know we're in love? "

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Catherine Blanc's response

"It is not easy to know if we are in love", first exposed Catherine Blanc.

"Being in love is a strong emotion linked to the other: to need to see the other, to be delighted with his presence. There are two possibilities: or I am in love because without the other I can do nothing do, that is to say a version of love close to addiction, or on the contrary, I am in love because I am delighted that the other exists, the fact that we can share things with him m 'enchants, it is a joyful love, ”she continues.

Modesty or an absence of feeling

“There are different ways of expressing love,” says Dr. Jimmy Mohamed.

"If Florent asks himself the question of knowing if he is in love, it is because he is not, or that he needs to make sure that what he feels is legitimate and that he can express it. It is either an absence of feeling or modesty, "says Catherine Blanc.

Jealousy is not a sign of love

The sex therapist was then questioned about the notion of jealousy.

"It is not a sign of love but rather a sign of addiction", she explains, before continuing: "it is a very immature form of love."

Does having a love at first sight mean that you fall in love?

"A thunderbolt is a kind of revelation, as if the other suddenly shines in a marvelous way. The thunderbolt is a precise moment which will follow itself with love and momentum. passionate, but not necessarily great love, ”she replies.

"Love at first sight can also pass very suddenly," adds Catherine Blanc.