We tend to forget or ignore it, but flowers are the sex organs of the vast majority of plants.


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The flowers, those beautiful ... sexual organs.

We tend to ignore it, or forget it, but the flower is the reproductive system of the overwhelming majority of plants.

In 2020, scientists are still trying to grasp its full complexity.

However, several discoveries, and not the least, have been made over the past 30 years.

We owe the most recent to a team of researchers from Grenoble.

This brought to light the astonishing ability of plants to pick up when the optimal conditions are met to start flowering, guaranteeing maximum chances of reproduction.

Angiosperms, the learned name for flowering plants, hold no secrets for our guest.

Loïc Chauveau is the environmental expert for

Sciences et Avenir.

Together, we dissect the entire flowering mechanism.

The discussion on the sexuality of our plant friends will also lead us to meet Darwin and, even more surprisingly, Goethe.

Good listening!

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