Calcaneal spur, an unrecognized pathology of the arch of the foot, can cause severe pain in the heel.

Doctor Jimmy Mohamed explains how to treat her on the show "Sans Rendez-vous", Tuesday on Europe 1.

It is a little-known pathology that can cause severe pain in the foot.

Heel spur, this pathology of the arch of the foot, can cause shooting pain in the heel.

Doctor Jimmy Mohamed explains how to treat her, Tuesday afternoon in the program "Sans Rendez-vous".

What is heel spur?

"The heel spine, also known as Lenoir's spine, is a bony growth that forms on the underside of the heel bone. It is found at the level of the heel bone, more precisely at the level of the heel bone. the attachment of the plantar fascia The plantar fascia is a membrane located under the foot, which goes from the heel to the toes, serving as a shock absorber and allowing the curvature of the foot to be held.

This pathology is formed when the aponeurosis is too stressed: the tension exerted on this membrane is too great, then the body reacts.

Sometimes this causes micro-trauma and inflammation where the fascia fits into the heel bone.

The inflammation then leads to the formation of bone cells, which eventually create a spine-shaped growth called heel spur, which can cause severe pain.

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What types of pain can it cause?

The heel spur alone doesn't always hurt.

Sometimes it is discovered by chance, during an X-ray performed for something else.

When it hurts, it is the inflammation of the fascia that is painful.

This pain is located in the foot, the heel and manifests itself especially when walking, sometimes upon waking up or after a sporting activity.

In any case, as soon as the pain appears, it is imperative to consult.

What treatments are recommended?

At first, you can take an anti-inflammatory but that is not enough.

We generally need more comprehensive care, with physiotherapy sessions.

In addition to physiotherapy, monitoring by a podiatrist can be a solution.

Wearing orthopedic insoles (plantar orthotics) is generally recommended to reduce static disorders and better distribute the pressure of the body on the foot.

When that is not enough, a corticosteroid infiltration directly into the foot is suggested. "