In pictures ... a tiger-looking dog raises panic in Malaysia


Passers-by in the streets of Malaysia were shocked by the presence of a striped tiger roaming the city streets, causing a state of panic among residents, as soon as they saw its distinctive color.

After time, the residents discovered that the oddly-shaped striped tiger was a dog that had been painted by a citizen, to appear much like the striped tiger.

The dog was painted with skill and high craftsmanship, to appear as a real tiger, but with a small body, while the mental image of the striped tiger spread fear in the places where this dog was, according to the "Indian Express".

Animal welfare societies condemned the incident, such as the "Berston" Association, and demanded that the perpetrators be arrested and that any information be provided about the whereabouts of this fake tiger (the dog).

The association offered a rewarding reward to everyone who provided sufficient information about the accident or perpetrator, through a post on the social networking site "Facebook".

The dog was seen wandering for long hours in several places in the city of Malaysia, with its distinctive colors, which caused concern among some citizens and parents' fear for their children.