Annie Cordy died on Friday -


She passed away this Friday.

After feeling unwell, Annie Cordy "left in a few minutes," said her niece.

The Belgian singer, performer of popular hits like 

Tata Yoyo


La bonne du curé

, has died at the age of 92, near Cannes.

Leaving behind her many moved friends.

Many personalities immediately showed their attachment to the one who affectionately called herself "Nini", also paying tribute to her career.

"It was the French Lucy Ball"

“Annie was a complete artist knowing how to do everything, dance, sing, act, move and make laugh.

She was a very great professional with multiple talents, she was the French Lucy Ball, ”Mireille Mathieu told AFP.

For her, “Annie was a pretty butterfly flower.

Tata Yoyo


La bonne du curé

will join the paradise of the musical stars ”.

“I learn with infinite sadness and a lot of emotion the death of Annie Cordy, a faithful and caring friend as much as a good-humored fairy, a generous show girl full of talents.

Tonight I mourn your departure my Nini… ”, responded Stéphane Bern on Twitter.

When Michel Denisot praised the "talent" and the "joie de vivre" of a "happy and popular actress and singer".

“Joie de vivre” is also with these terms that Jean-Pierre Foucault described to Annie Cordy.

And to add: “She knew how to dance, sing, act the comedy… (a) complete artist, inimitable, unique… faithful in friendship”.

Annie was my lifelong friend.

I have so many memories by his side.

We both laughed so much!

My pain is immense.

I will miss you terribly my Nini.

Your Line #AnnieCordy

- Line Renaud (@linerenaud) September 4, 2020

Goodbye my dear Annie ... even though I had prepared myself for it, I am sad tonight.

So many memories !

Bursts of laughter ... tears ... a life!

Kisses to Mimi who I'm thinking of tonight ❤️❤️❤️

- Marc-Olivier FOGIEL (@FogielMarcO) September 4, 2020

An embodiment of "belgitude"

The Belgian Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès greeted Friday evening after the death of Annie Cordy, born in Brussels in June 1928, an incarnation of the "belgitude", mixing humor and modesty, in unison of a whole country paying homage to a of its most famous ambassadors.

"Annie Cordy was an accomplished artist whose humor and joie de vivre represented so well this 'belgitude' that we love so much," reacted in a tweet the French-speaking liberal leader.

Annie Cordy was an accomplished artist whose humor and joie de vivre represented so well this belgitude that we love so much.

It has captured the hearts of many generations.

She will be sorely missed.

My sincere condolences to his family and loved ones.

- Sophie Wilmès (@Sophie_Wilmes) September 4, 2020

Former Prime Ministers Elio di Rupo and Charles Michel also saluted his memory in the evening, on Twitter.

The second, who became President of the European Council at the end of 2019, underlined “his sparkling joie de vivre” and “contagious good humor”.

“Annie Cordy's energy and joie de vivre seemed immortal to us… Brussels is losing one of its most sparkling ambassadors this evening.

Ciao Tata Yoyo!

“, Launched Brussels Minister Nawal Ben Hamou.



A Brussels park named Annie Cordy for the 90 years of the Belgian singer

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