[Explanation] Ziyun Village, Xiayang Township, Mingxi County, Fujian Province, is located in the core area of ​​Junzifeng National Nature Reserve. It is a thousand-year-old village with an altitude of more than 800 meters. It is called "the village on the clouds" because of the perennial clouds and mist.

Villager Yang Meilin was able to call birds, and as long as a few calls rang through the forest, the white pheasant in the forest flew in for food.

A few days ago, the reporter came to Ziyun Village to interview on the spot.

  [Explanation] Every morning, Yang Meilin will bring corn and grains to the mountains to prepare a delicious breakfast for his "old friend" silver pheasant.

In an open valley, several "dining tables" made of stones were set up by Yang Meilin eight years ago. As usual, Yang Meilin carefully sprinkled corn.

  [On-site synchronization]

  [Commentary] Two silver pheasants walked out of the woods after hearing the sound, and came together.

They flew up to the treetops and came to Yang Meilin to eat quietly.

  [Concurrent] Yang Meilin, Villager of Huaniao

  Come and feed every day, come in the morning, every day it rains, and the weather is sunny, 360 days, every day, and listen to my words, and feel very affectionate with me, just like my family, come as soon as I call.

  [Explanation] Yang Meilin told reporters that he became acquainted with birds eight years ago when he was raising chickens under the mountain. After a while, he actually attracted the white pheasants from the mountain. Yang Meilin was born with a sense of affinity for these wild animals, and not only did not drive them away. I have been feeding them without interruption for a day.

  [Concurrent] Yang Meilin, Villager of Huaniao

  This silver pheasant is very fun, and I feel that I have been feeding, becoming like myself, feeling like myself, and being very close to me.

  [Explanation] After Yang Meilin's careful care, the white pheasant family has grown from two or three at the beginning to more than ten at the time. This has become the most fulfilling event in his heart.

  [Explanation] In Ziyun Village, the harmonious picture of Yang Meilin's integration with birds, people and nature has become the most beautiful scenery here.

  Wu Shengwei Wu Qingwang Zhao Qi reports from Sanming, Fujian

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]