Al-Mutairi said - in an interview for the episode (9/2/2020) of the "Beyond the News" program - that Kushner's visit to the region aims to advance the fortunes of US President Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential elections.

He added that Kushner appeared during his visit to the region as if he were a missionary or a businessman, although the path to peace is clear, through the establishment of the Palestinian state.

Jared Kushner had expressed his country's hope for success in resolving the Gulf crisis, as it had succeeded in the "Abraham" agreement between Israel and the UAE.

Kushner noted that the King of Saudi Arabia and his Crown Prince have made it clear that they want a better Middle East and more peace.

Kushner's statements to Al-Jazeera came during a visit to Qatar in the context of a tour he is conducting in the region that included the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, following the UAE and Israel announcing the full normalization of relations between them, through US mediation.

For his part, Professor of International Conflicts at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies Ibrahim Fraihat said that setting a date for the signing of the Emirati-Israeli normalization agreement on September 13, which coincides with the anniversary of the signing of the Oslo Accords, indicates an American message to enter a new phase of the vision of Arab-Israeli peace after turning a page. The Oslo Accord.

Fraihat agreed with Al-Mutairi that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's tour in the region about a week ago failed to achieve a breakthrough in the normalization file, whether at the level of the Gulf states or Sudan.

Al-Mutairi added that Kushner caught Pompeo in this failure, except for what he described as the "media momentum" that he achieved on this visit.

Al-Mutairi explained that the US administration is pressing the countries of the region, especially Saudi Arabia, to obtain high-level representation in the signing ceremony of the Emirati-Israeli agreement.

Professor of International Conflicts Ibrahim Fraihat indicated that the US administration has been searching for an alternative to the Palestinian leadership represented by President Mahmoud Abbas since it announced its rejection of the "Abraham" agreement, recalling what happened before with Yasser Arafat.

Fraihat added that the US administration is pursuing a policy based on blackmailing countries in exchange for fulfilling their needs, as happened in an attempt to trade off the removal of Sudan from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism in exchange for an agreement with Israel, warning that accepting blackmail will only come with more of it.

Fraihat indicated his belief that Kushner is trying to do the same with Qatar by linking the solution to the Gulf crisis and the blockade of Qatar with Doha offering concessions in the normalization file.

Al-Mutairi agreed with Fraihat's view, indicating that Kushner may have warned the Gulf states that the success of the Democratic candidate in the US presidential elections, Joe Biden, would not be in their interest.