"Don't you think of this when you hear about people in their twenties in the clinic? I think that their high anxiety is not strange, but natural. Finding a job is difficult, and it is difficult to get a house with a salary."

"Yeah. Even if I'm the same, I'd have to be anxious. But I guess I'm only in my 20s. I'm in my 20s, and neither in my teens nor in my 30s, and there's no such thing as a comfortable age. What should I do?

This is a pattern of conversations with fellow doctors that we often repeat these days.


Our society today is a difficult place to live.

And this is a fact, not a claim.

Of course, it may be because I mainly meet people who are in a difficult state who complain of depression and anxiety.

However, is there any clear evidence that no one can refute that the world's highest suicide rate and the world's lowest fertility rate?

As the world is getting harder, various measures are constantly being advocated to withstand it.

The'Yolo' craze, which was infested with fashion, has passed, and stories about how to make good money dominate the broadcasting and publishing world.

And in the meantime, social interest in mental health has continued to grow over the past few years.

Healing books and famous lecturers are constantly being sought.

In recent months, a number of dramas of a form that had never been seen before, with a psychiatrist as the main character, appeared.

Such a woven trend is certainly not something that someone dictated, but it will be self-help books that our society creates to survive on its own.

A tough world, we need a'retreat of the heart'. 

This time, the'Seoul Youth Mind Health LAN Line Expo' will be held from September 1st to 13th.

Several experts and organizations who have been active in their respective fields come together to introduce their healing programs to the public.

The event, which was originally scheduled for offline in Sinchon-ro, Seoul, was unfortunately held online amid the Corona 19 crisis.

The'Mind Health Fair' with an unfamiliar name.

What is the difference from the mental health festivals held every year in'Mental Health Day' in Seoul and other local governments?

I have participated in mental health festivals several times.

When I majored, I was a doctor sitting in a counseling booth, and after becoming a specialist, I became a lecturer.

I remember being surprised to see the crowds gathered at the Mental Health Festival held in Dongseong-ro, Daegu.

It was possible to see that there are not a few people interested in mental health, and it was a meaningful place where people who have always felt as minorities in society and lived with each other could feel connected to each other.

Therefore, it is a pity that this event will be held online.

But it is also an opportunity.

How many people knew that a mental health festival was being held every year.

The event was held in the downtown area as if yelling out loud,'We are here!', but there was definitely a regret in the scalability.

In that respect, this event, which is held online, will have the advantage that more people can stop by with a lighter mind and efficiently review the activities of more organizations.

And not only online and offline, there is one more big difference.

It is'mind' and'spirit'.

In fact, one change of the word, which is synonymous with almost no difference, makes a big difference.

What can be gained by using the name mental health, not mental health, is also extensibility.

It has been 10 years since the name was changed to the Department of Mental Health to lower the threshold of psychiatrists with many negative images, according to social wisdom, but the word mental health also has a negative color for many.

But by changing just one word, you can reach a lot more people lightly.

You can lower the threshold.

In addition to those who are struggling with mental illness, it has become a place that anyone who is interested in the hearts of themselves and others can visit comfortably.

'Heart retreat for you'.

This is the catchphrase for this fair.

Another big change is the wider range of people who provide content.

When I widened the range from mental health to mental health, I learned that the treatment activities that psychiatrists have been doing are limited to a few areas.

Outside the doctor's office, many people were trying to restore the mental health of those who lived with them in their own way.

They gathered at this fair.

Psychological counselors, meditation experts, youth counselors, artists, single-person household community centers, and others who have worked in various fields for the health of the minds of modern people, introduce their activities.

I sincerely want to support their precious activities that I did not know well, but now I know, who are in the field of mental health.

Hopefully more people will know what they do.

This is because I cannot completely solve the problems of the people I meet in the doctor's office, and more spaces and programs for healing are needed to make this difficult world even a little more lively.

Obviously, this world is difficult to live.

But at the same time, far more people and groups are working to help hard minds than we know.

Of course, the people you'll meet at this fair can't completely get rid of the hardships of your heart, but that doesn't mean it's meaningless.

You will be able to find ways to reduce the weight of the life that crushes your heart a little or tolerate it a little better.

Wouldn't it be better to live anyway or live a little more comfortable?

You, whose heart has become heavier by the weight of life, please visit the'Heart Retreat for You'.

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-It' to read along with this article.

[In-It] Surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, the harder they work, the less they are.