Guest of Philippe Vandel on the occasion of the release of her book "The color chest of drawers" at JC Lattès, Olivia Ruiz was very moved by the surprise message left to her by Béatrice, the dance teacher who gave her trained for her show "Volver". 

After an unexpected intimate and moving portrait, Hélène Mannarino offered a last surprise to Olivia Ruiz, who left the guest of the Culture Médias show with her eyes full of tears.

“Isn't it okay to make me cry early in the morning?” Laughed the singer and songwriter.

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This surprise message was left to him by Béatrice.

This dance teacher trained him as Olivia Ruiz was preparing her



The one who became a relative was seriously ill.

"I was very afraid of losing my friend Béa a few months ago, now she's fine, and it's a nice gift," said the singer. 

The message of the dance teacher to her "cracker" is riddled with references to jokes and moments of tenderness between the two friends.

An emotion that won even Hélène Mannarino herself, yet at the origin of this beautiful moment.

The sequence can be found in the video below: