Member of Parliament Danièle Obono at the National Assembly in July 2020 - Jacques Witt / SIPA

His name is featured on the magazine's front page this week. “Danièle Obono in the days of slavery! Is it announced on the cover of Valeurs Actuelles . Behind this title hides an episode of the newspaper's “political-fiction of the summer” which has fun imagining a parallel reality. In the August 27 edition, the journalists set out to tell the story of "Obono the African, where the rebellious MP experiences the responsibility of Africans in the horrors of slavery", in the words of the article.

In addition to accumulating stereotypes over the seven pages devoted to this subject, the illustrations of the magazine are shocking. Among them, a drawing representing Danièle Obono, chains around her neck, as a slave. The MP reacted on her Twitter account on Friday. “It seems 'That We-Can-Could-Nothing-Say', she comments. Fortunately, we can still write racist shit in a tea towel illustrated by the images of a black African French deputy repainted as a slave… The extreme right, odious, stupid and cruel. In short, equal to itself. "

It seems 'Qu'on-Peut-Pu-Rien-Dire' #BienPensance. Fortunately we can still write racist shit in a tea towel illustrated by the images of a black African French deputy repainted as a slave ...
The far right, odious, stupid and cruel. In short, equal to itself.

- MP Obono (@Deputee_Obono) August 28, 2020

The political class seizes the subject

The subject quickly made the rounds on social networks. Politicians of all stripes have taken up their keyboard to react to the article in Valeurs Actuelles . Jean-Luc Mélenchon notably called for an end to “the nauseating harassment against Danièle Obono”, and Benoît Hamon expressed “all [his] solidarity with Danièle Obono, scorned by the far-right press. "

Marianne, Valeurs Actuelles, Charlie: enough the nauseating harassment against @Deputee_Obono.

- Jean-Luc Mélenchon (@JLMelenchon) August 28, 2020

All my solidarity with @Deputee_Obono flouted by the extreme right press.

- Benoît Hamon (@benoithamon) August 29, 2020

Total condemnation of this publication. To defend racism is contrary to republican values. I do not share the ideas of @Deputee_Obono, but today I give him my full support.

- Élisabeth Moreno (@ 1ElisaMoreno) August 29, 2020

For her part, Elisabeth Moreno, Minister Delegate in charge of Equality between Women and Men, Diversity and Equal Opportunities, completely condemns this publication. “To defend racism is contrary to republican values. I do not share the ideas of Danièle Obono, but today I give him my full support, ”she wrote on her Twitter account.

The president of SOS Racisme, Dominique Sopo, meanwhile evoked a “new abjection of Current Values  ”. According to him, to represent the deputy as a slave is "the place that blacks fantasize about this far-right rag. "


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  • Media
  • Sos racism
  • Policies
  • France rebellious
  • Current values
  • Racism