Tiktok, which is owned by Chinese Bytedance, has received harsh criticism for users' personal data going astray. In Sweden, SVT and Swedish Radio, among others, have called on their staff to delete the app from the company's phones, and in the US, the government has stated that it poses a threat to national security.

Now Walmart states that it wants to merge with the IT giant Microsoft, which has previously agreed to negotiate with Bytedance to buy Tiktok's operations in the USA. A collaboration could reassure US officials, Walmart believes.

"We are confident that a partnership between Walmart and Microsoft will meet the expectations of US Tiktok users and satisfy US authorities," the company told AFP.

Creates problems globally

Former CEO Kevin Mayers' resignation comes just days after the company filed a lawsuit against the US government, which is justified by the fact that US President Donald Trump issued a presidential order that could mean a ban on the app.

"In recent weeks, as the political environment has changed greatly, I have reflected a lot on what the structural changes in the company will require, and what they mean for the global role I undertook," Mayer wrote in a letter to employees. where he announces his resignation.

Mayer will for the time being be replaced by Vanessa Pappas, who today has a lower managerial position.

The owner company Bytedance's founder and CEO Yiming Zhang writes in a separate letter that the company is working feverishly to find solutions to the challenges it faces globally, and mentions in particular the markets in India - where the app has been banned - and the United States.