Guest of Culture Médias on the occasion of her role in the play "Gwendoline" (from September 3 to 12 at the theater in Treviso), TV host Valérie Damidot alternated between bursts of laughter and emotions.

"But say, you have informants at my place, you!" writes Valérie Damidot as information about her life progresses. It is between surprise and bursts of laughter that the host and actress discovered, live from the Culture Media set on Europe 1, her unexpected portrait, signed by our columnist Hélène Mannarino. The most famous maroufleuse in France was the guest of Philippe Vandel, on the occasion of the play  Gwendoline, which she plays from September 3 to 12 at the Théâtre de Treviso, in the 11th arrondissement of Paris. 

Songs from her childhood, symbolic of her tattoos (with a smile on her lips, she rolls up her sleeves to reveal them) and breakfast habits, so many details revealed by our columnist (see video above). And in particular that she owes her passion for thrillers to her father Guy, a police officer, who spent his time telling her about investigations. "Totally", confirms "Valou", moved.

The host of  The Secret Life of Cats also did not wait for TV to explore her passion for animals. She spends a large part of her time in front of her video games of virtual farms where she feeds cows and horses, as revealed by Hélène Mannarino. Valérie Damidot also remembers an anecdote with Ulysses, the dog of her childhood, on the occasion of a plane trip. "He woke up, he smashed the cage and he got out. My mother saw him through the window and so the plane didn't leave, because the passengers said 'We're not leaving without the dog of the lady and the little one! ", she remembers with emotion.

A surprise dinner not far from Jude Law

Want more anecdotes? A few years ago, in Cannes, "Valoche" joined a friend to have breakfast in the hotel restaurant. "You go, head of the alarm clock, in your pajamas, not combed, not washed, not even your teeth… you thought you were alone with her…", explains Hélène Mannarino. "It was quite natural that you let go of a: 'Damn, you could have told me that there was Jude Law!'", Continues our columnist.

The British actor was there, and the current seems to have passed. "He was very nice, he loves the decor!", Laughs Valérie Damidot, remembering the meeting, surprised by our columnist. 

>> READ ALSO - "I am not made for TV", assures Valérie Damidot

Hélène Mannarino closed the sequence with a beautiful moment of emotion, by broadcasting a message recorded by the son of the actress, Norman Damidot. "Send wood my little Mamacita", he slips over the phone. "We're not going to lie, you're still a crazy actress. Hollywood had better watch out!"