Mobile payment is fast and convenient! Software taxi service is in place! Network registration saves worry and effort! The app is called takeaway and delicious...When you lament that you can’t live without a smartphone, have you ever thought that there are hundreds of millions of elderly people in China who don’t know how to use smartphones and mobile Internet are lamenting, “After a lifetime, I won’t live anymore when I’m old"...

  They don't understand, why can't they get a taxi if they don't use their smartphones and buy tickets! They are not convinced, so they can't check out and buy things because they don't know how to surf the Internet on mobile phones! "Is my renminbi fake?" "You deserve to suffer if you don't use the stuff of young people?" "Is it a crime not to go online?" Is there any old man around you asking this question? Are your parents and grandchildren among them?

  It is undeniable that mobile internet and smart phones have made our lives faster and better, but please remember that the new technology is for everyone to enjoy convenience, rather than sacrificing the rights and interests of some people to perfect others. And, in the final analysis, it is not that new technology has left these people behind! It was your impatience that abandoned them! It was your eagerness for quick success that abandoned them! It was your lack of empathy that abandoned them!

  Why can't you be patient and teach them how to use your cell phone that is simple but they feel big to surf the Internet? Why can't we provide convenient services while retaining a little "traditional model" for the elderly? Why not consider the needs and characteristics of elderly users when designing products and applications?

  Our pace is fast, which is something to be proud of, but why can't we wait for them to walk slowly? After all, when we didn't leave when we were young, they didn't dislike us for delaying their progress; when we counted the math problems, they didn't abandon us and turned away.

  More importantly, don’t forget that one day in the future, in the face of newer technologies and lifestyles, our footsteps will be staggered...

  Author: Li Xueyao