“Nuclear waste” final disposal site “Politely explained to locals” Kajiyama, Minister of Economic Affairs, August 26, 19:06

In response to an interview with NHK, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Kajiyama responded to an interview with NHK about the fact that Shouto-cho, Hokkaido is considering applying for the first-stage “bibliographic survey” over the selection of the final disposal site for so-called “nuclear waste”. We emphasized that the decision of the town is appreciated by the country, and that we would like to explain it carefully, including ourselves, in response to the progress of the procedure and the requests of the locals.

In this context, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Kajiyama said, "It is very appreciated for the country that Shoutsu-cho raised his hand. We did not decide only Suttsu-cho. We asked more local governments to raise their hands. It is our desire to do this."

On the other hand, in addition to the concerns raised by local residents and neighboring local governments, Governor Suzuki of Hokkaido is oppositioning when he/she shifts to the “summary survey” such as the second stage of bowling.

Regarding this, Mr. Kajiyama said, "I will not proceed without the consent of the governor", "I will go anywhere if I am asked and I will meet you", and I will tell you about the progress of the procedure and local requests In response, I emphasized the idea that I would like to explain it carefully, including myself.

In addition, regarding that the local government that applied for can receive grants of up to 2 billion yen from the country for the first two years only, "It is not always the case that everyone in the town wants a literature survey, it takes time and effort to make a decision. It will be a burden. Including the understanding of the nuclear power administration of the country, we will pay the grant in a respectful manner."

In addition, Kajiyama said, "How to dispose of spent nuclear fuel from the nuclear power plant is our big mission and the responsibility of the country," and the country takes responsibility for advancing the issue of the final disposal site. I emphasized the idea of ​​wanting.