Singer Ben announced the marriage to the chairman of the W Foundation, who is publicly dating.

Ben, who admitted to dating in September last year, delivered the wedding news to fans through a handwritten letter on his SNS on the 26th.

Ben said, "I thought and thought about how to convey the news, but I still wanted to convey this news with my own hands to the fans who always care for me and love me, so I am writing this way." .

He added, "I have a man who promised to live my life with me," he said. "We are not both perfect, but we are trying to cover each other's faults, fill in the gaps, and live pretty and happily."

Considering that it is the time of Corona 19, Ben is planning to have a small wedding with only his parents and close relatives.

Ben added, "I sincerely thank the fans who consistently believe in me and support me, and I will continue to repay them with good music," he added. "Even though everyone is having a hard time, I hope they will always be healthy and happy."

(SBS funE reporter Kang Kyung-yoon)