[Commentary] On August 23, the famous Hong Kong director Chen Musheng passed away from nasopharyngeal cancer at the age of 58. Hong Kong's well-known director Xu Xiaoming, who once provided opportunities for Chen Musheng to enter the film industry, expressed his regret.

  [Concurrent] Famous Hong Kong director Xu Xiaoming

  The most mature age for filming in literary and martial arts is 40 and 50 years old. He was just over 50 years old and just left. I feel this is a pity. In our industry, we have indeed lost a very good director.

  [Explanation] In 1981, as an applicant, Chen Musheng was taken by the personnel department to Xu Xiaoming, who was the deputy director of TV at Hong Kong Lai, because of insufficient academic qualifications and lack of confidence.

  [Concurrent] Famous Hong Kong director Xu Xiaoming

  Then I encouraged him, I said you don't take it as pressure, I told him that when I embarked on this road, my education was not enough. After listening to it, he relaxed a lot.

  [Explanation] Xu Xiaoming said that although Chen Musheng was not in the business at the time, he had a keen interest in movies. He answered his professional questions with unique insights, which he admired very much.

  [Concurrent] Famous Hong Kong director Xu Xiaoming

  I feel that although his academic qualifications did not meet the requirements of the TV station. But he speaks more deeply than many college students and senior people. I feel that as long as he is willing to work hard, there will be achievements in this development.

  [Interpretation] After nearly a year, Chen Musheng worked as an administrative assistant at Hong Kong Li TV, which had nothing to do with film and television. This year was also the year that laid the foundation for him to embark on the film road.

  [Concurrent] Famous Hong Kong director Xu Xiaoming

  Everyone has a very good impression of him, because he is not working as an administrative assistant. He likes to work with other directors, associate directors and screenwriters. Automatically devote themselves to their work, learn from them, and sit in meetings. He is a relatively simple and honest person, he is not ostentatious, and often people have a very good impression of him. So he is welcome to sit inside. It is equivalent to self-study courses. After observing for a period of time, I looked for him. You did a very good job during this period. I can now promote you as an official deputy director. He took the first step in film and television.

  [Commentary] Xu Xiaoming said that Chen Musheng's achievements came from his feelings and hard work, coupled with his excellent popularity, and his excellent management ability as a director, many people love to cooperate with him. After years of precipitation, he has grasped the style and rhythm of Hong Kong movies to the extreme. He once said that watching Chen Musheng's movies is worth the price.

  [Concurrent] Famous Hong Kong director Xu Xiaoming

  The audience's request to the director is that if I buy tickets to watch your play, have you let me buy tickets directly proportional to my money? Many viewers will say it's worth the fare, so it's satisfied. From an artistic point of view, or from an entertaining point of view, the audience may be satisfied. As a director who makes popular films, also called commercial films, I feel that this evaluation is very suitable for him. It is also a very rare evaluation.

  Reporter Li Yue and Li Zhaohuai reporting from Hong Kong

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]