, August 25. According to the Fujian Provincial Civil Service Examination and Recruitment Network, on August 24, the Fujian Provincial Civil Service Evaluation Center issued the "Decision on the Handling of Violation of Discipline and Violation Candidates in the Recruitment of Civil Servants in Fujian Province in 2020". 52 people who violated the rules were dealt with.

  The decision stated that in accordance with the "Measures for the Handling of Violations of Discipline and Regulations in the Recruitment of Civil Servants," after research, it was decided that 51 persons who violated the examination regulations such as not placing their mobile phones in designated locations and failing to hand in papers at the specified time should be given "their subjects (sessions) examinations" The result is invalid"; one person who used a mobile phone or other electronic equipment to take the test paper during the test will be treated as "cancel the test result and record it in the civil service examination recruitment integrity archive for five years".