[Explanation] What does the "door to door match" in the folk marriage tradition mean? What were the particularities of the dowry and dowry in the ancient wedding customs? On August 25th, on the day of "Chinese Valentine's Day", the night event of "Love in Siheyuan, Romantic Talk in Folklore Exhibition" was held at the Capital Museum. Museum commentators revealed the ancient folk marriage customs on site.

  [Concurrent] Cai Qiang, the guide of the Capital Museum

  What we are referring to is the “door-to-door pairing” is actually very simple, that is, the size, material, style, and even the color of the door are basically similar, indicating that the status of the two families are relatively consistent. After the two families are married, the future life will be relative. It is more harmonious. For example, we now see that this door pier is placed at the door. If the family status is relatively high, the white marble door pier must be used at home. Generally, there must be a lion on the gate of the official gate of Grade 4 or higher. We also see the color of this street gate. The street gate of Ruyi Gate we see now is red. For example, the Manzi gate is black because it is black. It belongs to water, gold produces water, so it is generally used in businessmen's homes, often with black barbaric doors.

  [Explanation] According to reports, in ancient times, marriages between men and women first required the approval of both parents, after which the man would go to the woman’s home to be hired. The bride price varies according to the wealth of each family, but the essential thing is the "goose cage wine sea".

  [Concurrent] Cai Qiang, the guide of the Capital Museum

  We now see that the first goose cage on display in this showcase is a goose cage. The earliest goose cage contained wild geese. Why do you want to enlarge the geese? Because it represents the order of growth and order, when the big goose is flying, the first goose is in front, and then the young goose is behind. I also hope that the woman will respect the elders after marrying. Next to us, we saw this small wine can. It was a small blue and white can. We said that "Goose Cage Wine Sea" must be equipped in the betrothal gift at that time, and it can be said to be "standard".

  [Explanation] In addition to the man's dowry, in ancient folklore, the girl's dowry is also very particular.

  [Concurrent] Cai Qiang, the guide of the Capital Museum

  The set of jewellery we see now is the dowry of the girl at that time. We saw many of these dowries, such as gold bracelets and earrings, including gold hairpins, gold hairpins, etc., but in this group of showcases, there is a group of cultural relics that is very interesting, that is, we saw that the main gem is hibiscus stone. This crab is very beautifully made of gold. Some people say, why do girls wear this crab as a decoration? In fact, it's very simple. Just like our "homonymous terrier" today, this is the meaning of the river crab, hoping that both men and women will live in harmony after marriage.

  [Explanation] After welcoming, banquet and other ceremonies, the newlyweds are welcomed into the wedding room, but at this time the wedding ceremony is still not considered complete.

  [Concurrent] Cai Qiang, the guide of the Capital Museum

  From the "Zan Lier" at that time, the emcee we talked about today, while singing the happy words, throws happy fruit on the bed, including dates, chestnuts, and peanuts. We also saw dumplings. Dumplings are not called dumplings here. "饽饽", because the stuffed stuffs are called "饽饽", here it is called "children 饽饽". The dumplings must be cooked half-baked, and the bride’s mother-in-law will feed the dumplings to the bride. While feeding, a little boy is standing next to him, asking the bride, "Is it alive or not?" When the bride responds, "Is it alive?" The meaning is to hope that the bride and groom will give birth to a child soon after they get married.

  [Explanation] That night, 30 couples and couples were invited to the Capital Museum to appreciate folk customs and spend the festive season together.

  Reporter Fan Siyi reports from Beijing

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]