"Spycies" by Guillaume Ivernel - Eurozoom

  • “Spycies” is a funny spy story about animals.
  • The director of "Dragon Hunters" was freely inspired by "Lethal Weapon" and James Bond, while deliberately deviating from "Zootopia", released when he was preparing his film.

His name is Guillaume Ivernel and we already owe him the excellent Dragon Hunters . The animated film director returns with Spycies , produced between France and China and presented at the Annecy Festival last year. This morning ecology action fable is our summer favorite.

Very funny animal spies try to save the planet from a terrible climate threat. They have a heavy responsibility on their hairy shoulders: to rescue other species threatened by a mysterious peril. “My concern was not to look like Zootopia released shortly before I wrote my project, insists Guillaume Ivernel. It was when I thought back to the Lethal Weapon saga and the James Bond films that I found the solution. “Combining these two influences with a beautiful ecological message allows him to deliver a work as original as it is dynamic.

Friends like cat and rat

Its heroes, the blue cat Vladimir and Hector, a slightly geeky rat, are inspired by buddy movies of which Lethal Weapon is a fine jewel. They do their job by trying to cohabit with difficulty. “The character of Vladimir is a mixture of Mel Gibson and Clint Eastwood in Inspector Harry, laughs Guillaume Ivernel. He is irascible and unfriendly before softening up during the story. This pretentious tomcat, dubbed in French by Davy Mourier, finds someone to talk to with his partner to whom Monsieur Poulpe lends his voice. "His accomplice is an endearing rascal like there was in this type of film," says the filmmaker.

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Saw This Movie Online Called Spycies. I Think This Movie Is Awesome. #spycies #spyciesmovie #vladimir #hector #vladimirandhector

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Smile and adrenaline

Original animals drawn by the talented Valérie Hadida evolve in sumptuous settings created by Guillaume Ivernel himself. “There too, I thought of action cinema that I love because I wanted adults to have as much fun as the children they accompany. A few jokes are reserved for the greatest such as the discovery of a videotape that confuses heroes have never seen one. Enough to approach the return to the gym with a big smile and a good dose of adrenaline.


Entertainment takes advantage of the absence of the big studios to steal the show in the cinema

A dragon who knows how to do cocorico
  • Animation Film
  • Spying
  • Youth
  • Cinema outings
  • Cinema