China News Service, Huanggang, August 21 (Zhou Yong Wu Na) From August 19 to 21, the original anti-epidemic theme Huangmei Opera "Epidemic Spring" was performed for 3 consecutive days at the Huanggang Grand Theater in Huanggang, Hubei. The play put Huanggang's anti-epidemic story on the art stage, reproduced the noble spirit of the benevolence and boundless love of medical workers and doctors, and showed the spirit of the people in the old district as one heart and united.

Performance stills photo by Zhang Can

  "Epidemic Spring" was led by the Huanggang Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department and Huanggang Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism. Huanggang Art School and the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Opera were co-authored. The national first-level screenwriter Xiong Wenxiang served as the original script. Huanggang young actors Wang Gang and Wang Mei starred, Huanggang Art More than 60 students from the school participated in the performance. The youngest actor was only 9 years old.

  The play is composed of five scenes: hair cutting, birthday, family love, rescue, and bereavement. Based on the real deeds of frontline medical workers and cadres during the anti-epidemic period in the past two months, the play is based on the Shandong medical team doctors Lu Haiwei, The head nurse of the Hunan Medical Team, Hu Ningxiang, represented the image of the Yellow River medical staff. The art reproduced the life scenes of the Yellow River aid medical teams in Shandong and Hunan provinces fighting the epidemic, showing the spirit of the people in the old districts in fighting the epidemic.

Performance stills photo by Zhang Can

  According to reports, "Epidemic Spring" has two outstanding features, namely, innovative presentation methods and reflection of regional characteristics. The play incorporates elements of Hubei local music, Huai Opera and Yue Opera, and adds unique regional cultural elements such as Huanggang dialect, Dabie Mountain Regional Medical Center, Yiai Lake Park, etc., to resonate with the audience.

  On the night of the 3rd Chinese Physician's Day on August 19, "Epidemic Spring" was performed for the first time in Huanggang Huangmei Opera Grand Theater. To pay tribute to the medical staff, 260 medical staff representatives were specially invited to watch this performance.

  Zhang Anlan, one of the main creators and the principal of Hubei Huanggang Art School, said that he hoped that through such a work of art, the memory of sharing weal and woe will be preserved and the selfless and fearless spirit of great love will be promoted.

  "It is very touching after watching it! This is the gratitude of Huanggang people, and even Hubei people, to the people of the whole country. We want to make this play even better." Shen Hongguang, former chairman of the Hubei Federation of Literary and Art Circles and a national first-level screenwriter, said The play gives more expectations. (Finish)