Lego, the Danish toy giant, has announced that it is launching bricks suitable for visually impaired children in seven countries. - Lego

Lego goes braille: the Danish toy giant announced Thursday to launch bricks suitable for visually impaired children in seven countries.

“The bricks are molded so that the small nesting studs reflect the individual letters and numbers of the Braille alphabet while remaining fully compatible with the Lego system,” the group said in a statement.

The group's aim is to encourage visually impaired children to explore new avenues for learning to read and write.

Eleven languages ​​and 20 countries by early 2021

These new bricks, in the same range of colors as the classic bricks so that they can also be used by visionaries, have letters, numbers and symbols printed on their base.

Brazil, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, United Kingdom and United States are the first seven countries affected by the launch of the new kits, which should then be extended to 11 languages ​​and 20 countries by the start of 2021.

In 2019, 25% of the group's profits, which regularly reminds us that inclusion is one of its fundamental values, were allocated to the Lego foundation, which works in particular for children in difficulty.


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  • Lego