I'm not a fan of Lukashenka. And that's putting it mildly. But I like the falling nudge principle even less. Because Belarus is not only its president. These are, first of all, millions of people, whose fate largely depends on who in whose favor these days the scales swing. If Lukashenka is able to hold on to the situation, if he has enough wisdom and cunning to take a sufficient number of correct steps, then there will appear, albeit timid, hope that our neighbors will be able to avoid a catastrophe.

If the President of Belarus continues to play his multi-vector games, the country will be doomed. And not just on the Ukrainian scenario, but on absolute economic ruin and external control by their closest western neighbors, coordinated from across the ocean.

Of course, everything that is happening now is Lukashenka's fault. But now is not the best time to hold party meetings. At this point in time, which Alexander Grigorievich has very, very little, he needs to say little and act a lot, two steps ahead of his enemies, many of whom are now quite calmly in Belarus and are doing everything to make the country plunge into Maidan chaos. The Lithuanian and Polish embassies, the Belarusian editorial office of Radio Liberty *, various NGOs and simply “sympathizers” who are constantly coordinating protest actions or posing as victims of police brutality.

By the way, about the security forces. After their personal data began to appear in opposition blozhiks and chats, a real hunt began on Belarusian law enforcement officers and their family members. They receive threats. They are bombarded with insults. Their parents and children become targets of harassment and bullying. And no one can protect them from this.

Using such tactics, the opposition is seeking a complete demoralization of the security forces, which are one of the pillars of power. But this tactic also has another side. If some become depressed, then others, on the contrary, will be able to begin to show aggression towards the protesters and, at the slightest reason, begin to show aggression. And for the curators of the Belarusian protests, this is the most coveted option. For they need blood and their own “heavenly hundred”. As the main argument of Lukashenka's "dictatorship".

It is for this reason that the Russian opposition at every opportunity incites the Belarusians to seize administrative buildings, then to storm the police department, then to invade Lukashenka's residence. At the same time, they know very well that such actions will come across a forceful rebuff and a confrontation will begin, as a result of which blood will be shed. And considerable. This, in fact, is what the Western curators are trying to achieve, who are not at all satisfied with a peaceful protest.

They need aggression. Moreover, on both sides. And the more killed, the more arguments they will have for "protecting the civilian population", which will consist in the overthrow of Lukashenko and the establishment of the conditional Tikhanovskaya puppet power in Belarus, with the help of which the already prescribed scenario of reforming the country according to the harsh Russophobic scenario will be implemented.

Which will make it possible in the shortest possible time to make another anti-Russian bridgehead out of a country now friendly to us.

Unfortunately, some Belarusians still deny this scenario and continue to sacredly believe that the “brothers” from Lithuania and Poland want to give them democracy, and not make them cheap labor to work in their factories and strawberry fields. They do not understand that the "good intentions" broadcast from Warsaw and Vilnius are the very road that leads to hell. In which there will be nothing of what they now dream of.

And their only chance not to be left behind is the Lukashenka, which they hate. Yes exactly. But only on condition that Alexander Grigorievich himself stops fooling and does what he should have done a long time ago: turn to Russia in front, and to the West - backwards and never again try to change this position.

Otherwise, he will destroy both himself and the country. Which is now literally on the verge of an abyss.

* Media recognized as a foreign agent by the decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated 05.12.2017.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.