Sports opinion

Player Rating

Hussein Al Shaibani

August 17, 2020

One is in a state of daze when they see someone paying $ 100,000 to buy a bicycle, and this is similar to what football clubs in the Emirates recruit local players, or renew their players ’contracts, with astronomical numbers, at least some of which are equivalent to the same value paid by European clubs For professional players, they usually achieve important "real" sporting achievements.

Part of the financial problem that faces many Emirati clubs and suffocates them financially, seeking financial solutions to pay off the accumulated debts from one season to another, due to these exaggerated contracts for football players, who can be classified at best in the category of "very normal." », But they are not important, and are not even able to lead their teams, before the national teams, towards achieving an impressive and important achievement that raises the head of the masses.

The emotional and irrational evaluation made a lot of money wasted on the players, which cast a shadow over the negative results of the teams or the national team. Something interested in football may laugh when they discover that a player plays in his country's league, and that his team is ranked seventy in the world, is moving from his team to another team in the same country, with the same value that a European player has moved in a strong league in Europe. To be more precise, the question: How much would these players really value if they were offered to European clubs? How much will they actually charge ?!

The problem of Emirati football in the scattering of money, the lack of a real assessment of the players' prices and what they deserve in exchange for playing with their clubs, and some deals that were recently concluded from some clubs that have a huge budget and are open to contracting with local players, with exaggerated contracts, and strange terms, and their participation may be scanty and shy. With their teams, and they are on the bench throughout the season, due to the presence of foreign players who are more technically beneficial to the team.

Some clubs do not find sufficient financial resources to take care of the youth and build a new generation of players, due to the exaggerated astronomical sums on the big players, and in many cases the search for money is done by disbursing sponsorship sums and government subsidies on renewing players' contracts, in exchange for nothing that players get The different games or the young players, who no longer have any achievements, since the sums paid to the local players are equal to the same sums spent in Europe to recruit players there.

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Emotional and irrational evaluation made a lot of money wasted on players.