Two "hero horses" went to sea to save people and passed away yesterday morning

  News from our newspaper (reporter Kuang Xiaoying) Yesterday, the Japanese newspaper reported on the latest developments in "Going to the Sea to Rescue People and Horses from a Cold Owner for Help More than Half a Month ago". The two horses passed away in the early hours of yesterday.

  In July this year, a 12-year-old boy in Jinjiang City, Fujian Province was accidentally swept away by the waves while swimming. Three men riding horses on the beach immediately rushed into the sea to rescue them. It is understood that one of the rescuers, Cai Liangxing, was a coach at a racecourse. .

  According to Cai Liangxing, the horse that saved the life has not been trained in the sea. In the past half a month since the rescue, the two horses became ill and continued to develop high fevers. “The mental state is getting worse every day, and the hind feet are swollen like balls. I can’t move around and I don’t eat much.” Because there was no professional veterinarian in the local area, he asked the outside for help.

  On the evening of the 12th, the Chinese Horse Industry Association reached out to help after learning the news, contacted the horse farm coach and urgently conducted remote consultations with the horses, and reached a preliminary conclusion: the horse choked into a small amount of seawater during the rescue. , Causing lung infection, plus bacterial infection of the legs, causing lymphangitis, swelling of the hind limbs of the horse, high fever, and one of the horses has shown signs of pulmonary edema. The condition is complicated, the treatment is difficult, and it may be life-threatening. The expert group gave an emergency treatment plan. Regrettably, due to the long course of the horse’s disease, the complicated condition and the limited on-site medical conditions, although everyone tried their best, the horses "888" (6 years old, mare) and "Ma Li" (13 years old) who participated in the rescue , Mare) or Xu died one after another at 4:00 am and 4:20 am on the 13th.

  The China Horse Industry Association pointed out that after the death of the rescuer horse, the horse industry expressed their concern and concern for the Hero Horse Farm. Many member units of the Chinese Horse Association expressed their willingness to donate horses.

  Wang Xin (pseudonym), the mother of the boy who was rescued, said that on the 12th they also sent a pennant to the horse owner. It was very distressed to see that the horse had a high fever. "The horse is as brave as the owner. I really appreciate them. It's sad to think of receiving the news of their departure today."

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