"Family Medical Emergency Supplies Guidance Catalog" released 47 emergency rescue items involving 9 categories
  It's time to restock the first aid kit at home

  Recently, the Beijing Emergency Center released the "Guiding Catalogue of Family Medical Emergency Supplies" to guide the public to prepare for family emergency care. Come and check, is it time to replenish your first aid kit? In addition, burns, knife stabbings, fractures and falls, electric shocks, and mosquito stings are the "lurking" accidental threats around us. Do you know how to deal with it? Let the doctor at 120 Beijing Emergency Center give you advice.

  9 categories of 47 emergency items, see what is missing in your first aid kit?

  A reporter from Beijing Youth Daily noticed that the list of household medical emergency supplies includes two lists: basic configuration and special configuration list. Among them, the basic configuration list covers 28 items in 5 categories, including personal protection, cleaning and disinfection, dressing and fixation, first aid equipment, and escape equipment; the special configuration list covers special hemostasis, escape from danger, emergency medicine and epidemic prevention items 19 items in 4 categories. The public can add or delete corresponding configurations based on the catalog based on actual needs.

  In addition, the emergency center reminds the public that emergency supplies should be updated regularly and placed properly to ensure that they are always available. At the same time, in order to use first-aid supplies more accurately and implement correct first-aid measures at the scene, it is strongly recommended that the public participate in the public first-aid science training class system organized by formal medical institutions to learn first-aid skills.

  Five principles for first aid in children with high incidence of accidental injuries in summer

  According to the survey, the highest mortality rate for children under 14 is accidental injury. A reporter from Beijing Youth Daily learned from the Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that in recent years, surveys on the prevalence of injuries show that the incidence of injuries among primary and secondary school students is about 10%, of which nearly 25% occur at home. And from the statistics of Beijing Emergency Center, after July each year, there is a high incidence of accidental injuries among children.

  Therefore, parents and teachers master some common sense of first aid, which can save the child's life at a critical moment. When giving first aid to children, the following principles should be followed to increase the success rate of treatment.

  Don't panic and panic. It won't help. If you panic and pull the electrocuted person with your hand, you can only get electrocuted yourself. At this time, you should cut off the power first, and use wooden sticks and other insulators to get the child out of the power source before giving first aid.

  Don't make your own claims, such as acute abdominal pain. Overdose of painkillers will cover up the condition and prevent the correct diagnosis. Patients with diarrhea who use antidiarrheal drugs indiscriminately before anti-inflammatory will make it difficult to excrete toxins and increase intestinal inflammation. If you do not know how to give first aid, it is best to do nothing and seek medical attention as soon as possible. Pay attention to accumulate some basic knowledge of self-help and mutual help.

  Correctly judge the severity of the disease. When encountering a critically ill child, first see whether the child has heartbeat and breathing, and what is the condition of the pupil and consciousness. If the heartbeat and breathing have stopped, cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be done immediately instead of rushing to bandage to stop the bleeding. If suffocation or choking occurs, the Heimlich first aid method should be used quickly.

  Do not move the child at will. In case of an accident, the family members are often nervous, shouting at the child, pushing and shaking the child. In fact, this is wrong. It is best to treat the child on the spot and avoid moving at will! Especially children with traumatic brain injuries and fractures should avoid moving.

  When you are sent to the nearest hospital for emergency treatment, time is your life. You should send it to the nearest hospital, especially when the child’s breathing and heartbeat are about to stop, and it is not advisable to send it to a hospital that is far away. Small hospitals are also fully capable of performing initial first aid. Then transfer to a higher hospital.

  Give you home first aid tips at critical moments

  In daily life, flame burns, hot water, hot oil and other hydrothermal scalds are the most common. Some parents will apply toothpaste, egg whites, soy sauce, red syrup, etc. to their children’s wounds. In fact, this is not correct. The rescue function will also cause trouble for the next doctor's diagnosis and treatment.

  The correct method is: first wash and soak the wound with plenty of cold water to cool it down;

  Take off or cut the clothing covering the wound. If there is adhesion, soak it in cold water and then gently remove it. Do not remove it forcefully to avoid aggravating the injury;

  It is not recommended to pick and break the blisters by yourself. Use clean gauze to protect the wound. If the blister is too big or affects activities, it is easy to rupture and infection, you can use a sterilized sewing needle (alcohol wipe or burn disinfection) to pierce the bottom of the blister, slowly release the liquid, and then reserve the epidermis for protection, and go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

  To stop bleeding in general, use direct compression and pressure bandaging to stop bleeding: cover the wound with sterile clean thick gauze, press it with your hand for 5-10 minutes, and then wrap it with a bandage, not too tight or too loose, anytime Check blood circulation. Finger pressure arterial hemostasis: Use your fingers to press the artery at the proximal end of the bleeding wound. At the relatively superficial part of the artery, press the artery to the bone block and block the blood flow. This method should not be pressed for more than 10 minutes.

  In addition, many trauma patients require frequent dressing changes, believing that this will prevent infection. In fact, the frequency of dressing changes depends on the presence or absence of infection and exudate. For sterile wounds, there is no drainage such as gauze inside, so it is not necessary to change the dressing every day; the wound is disinfected well, the wound is clean, and there is not much exudation, the dressing should be changed every 1 to 2 days; if the infection is purulent, the dressing should be changed according to the degree of infection. If the dressing is changed too frequently, new tissue will be torn, involved, or damaged, which will affect and delay wound healing.

  Head trauma. Head trauma occurred. The wounded was unconscious and may fracture his skull. Symptoms of skull fracture are: vomiting, convulsions and other symptoms, the top of the head may be sunken; there are obvious wounds or hematomas, ears and nose bleeding or bloody fluid (cerebrospinal fluid); the pupils on both sides are dilated or not the same size. In case of skull fracture patients, emergency treatment should be performed as follows:

  1. Check the wounded person's breathing and heartbeat, and if necessary, CPR;

  2. The casualty should be placed on his back and the head can be slightly raised;

  3. If there is liquid flowing out of one ear, turn your head to the side to let the liquid flow out, and do not block it.

  When a knife stabbing occurs, if the stabbed blade is still in the body, do not pull it out and fix it. If the internal organs are prolapsed, the injured should be placed in a semi- or supine position, with a pillow under the knees, buckle the prolapsed internal organs with a clean bowl or cover the wound with a thick dressing, and then wrap it with a bandage, taking care not to compress the prolapsed internal organs , And try not to let the injured cough hard to prevent the internal organs from continuing to prolapse, and do not return the prolapsed organs to the abdominal cavity; stab wounds on the chest and back cause open pneumothorax, first seal the wound, and prevent tetanus from stab wounds. Anti-toxin.

  Facial trauma When a facial trauma occurs, it is necessary not only to stop bleeding, but also to take into account the beauty of the skin. Use clean gauze or handkerchief to bandage to protect the wound and seek medical attention as soon as possible. It is not recommended to treat the wound by yourself, apply ointment and powder, so as not to contaminate the wound, which is not conducive to the diagnosis and treatment of the doctor, and it may even cause infection in serious cases.

  If you suspect that there is a possibility of a fracture, you should seek medical attention immediately. Especially for children, if the injury is severe, the alignment is not good, and the fracture healing is not good, it is very easy to cause the limbs to stop and deform the fracture, which affects the appearance of the limbs. For children, you can use their reactions and "body language" to initially determine whether there is a possibility of a suspected fracture.

  After the child is injured, crying will not stop, and it will not stop crying quickly after being soothed as usual;

  Local skin is swollen and painful when touched;

  The injured limb has a mobility disorder, and actions that are usually easily completed cannot be done now;

  The injured limb is asymmetrical with the contralateral limb;

  There is a protective posture. For example, if the child has a fractured clavicle, he will involuntarily tilt his head and shrug his shoulders to protect the damaged clavicle.

  When electric shock encounters such an accident, the rescuer must immediately cut off the power supply to ensure that the shocked person is no longer injured by the electric current before giving the rescue. Rescuers should also pay attention to the risk of electrical leakage, such as whether their hands are wet; when tools are needed to cut off the power or open the wires, use insulating materials to open or cut off the electrical wires, lights, sockets and other live objects on the shocked person. Choose dry wood materials. Check the breathing and heartbeat. If the person who is electrocuted suffers a cardiac arrest, the injured can be resuscitated before the medical staff arrive. Children should be taught not to touch dangerous objects such as sockets and wiring boards. Household appliances should be used under the supervision of parents.

  Stings Mild stings will cause burning, swelling, redness, and itching. People who have allergic reactions will have skin rashes, severe itching, dizziness, epigastric pain, nausea and vomiting all over the body. In severe cases, asthma, breathing difficulties, and unconsciousness may occur. After being stung, the poisonous hairs and poisonous needles may remain in the skin. You can use tweezers to pluck the poisonous hairs or poisonous hairs first. If there is scotch tape, stick it to the itchy area and then tear it off to remove the poisonous needle or hair. Wash the sting site carefully with running cold water. If the sting site is locally red, swollen, painful, with severe symptoms or even anaphylactic shock, you should seek medical attention in time.

  Text / reporter Li Jie