On the afternoon of August 2, a high-altitude elephant detection drone took off from Hainan Boao Airport. Drone flight test expert Qian Xuelin commanded the two pilots to super-normally complete the established flight plan and successfully drop 30 radiosondes. Together with the millimeter wave radar, perform CT scans on the peripheral cloud system of Typhoon No. 3 in 2020. Type "scan". Accompanied by a group of groups of typhoon peripheral cloud system temperature, humidity, pressure, wind direction, wind speed and other observation data over the ocean and sea surface are transmitted back to the ground command system in real time. This means that China's first high-altitude large-scale UAV ocean and typhoon comprehensive observation experiment has been a complete success. It fills the gap in China's comprehensive ocean observation based on large-scale high-altitude drones. This is China's first high-altitude large-scale UAV marine comprehensive meteorological observation experiment (referred to as the Haiyan Project). (Video source: Lin Shijie, China Meteorological Administration reporter)

Editor in charge: 【Zhou Chi】