On the occasion of the release of his new show, "Assume bordel!" Pierre Palmade was the guest of Pascale Clark on Europe 1. He explained in Culture Médias how this comedy show is also a response to the gay community which has sometimes been harsh with him.


"Fuck it!" This is what Benjamin Gauthier said to Pierre Palmade in their new show. A play inspired by the journey of the comedian who features "two men in a relationship who essentially argue for a reason: there are some who assume to be gay in broad daylight and the other who do not. , he is not at ease with all that while the other is completely ". The opportunity for Pierre Palmade to address the gay community which has sometimes criticized his comments on homosexuality. A subject that has long been difficult for him, as he tells Pascale Clark in Culture Médias on Europe 1.

"Not an apology but an explanation"

In his show, "there is a bit of the Palmade before: the one who first thought he was straight, who understood that he was bi, then gay". Hesitations which have according to him "a little upset the gay community". The complexity of living his homosexuality, he had mentioned publicly, making "remarks that had struck the gay community. I said to myself, I really have to put on a show to make myself understood" he explains. "I really hope that the gay community will understand that I had a hard time living it, and that they had the chance to experience it perhaps more easily, it is two kinds of homosexualities that confront each other. And it is also, not excuses, but explanations. "

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A justification that he considers necessary after reproaches which shocked him "enormously, because it is not possible that I am in conflict with the gay community, I am gay so I can at worst be clumsy but certainly not say things against myself ".

Pierre Palmade thus compares his situation to David Gallienne "the winner of Top Chef, someone who married a woman, he is very friends with her and now he is with a companion. We salute his courage, we salute his life while I, who was married to Véronique Sanson, and who have been with men, they don't give a damn about me, they laugh, they say it was quirky. I would like to know why his life is courageous and mine is not. is lucky, "laments the actor, who assures that he is now calm with the question.