[Explanation] Recently, in Linzhi, Tibet, 3000 meters above sea level, technician Ram Dolma was looking after a strawberry field with red beauty. She skillfully uses the techniques she has mastered to "see a doctor" for the strawberry field. But four years ago, she was just a housewife who cooked at home and brought her baby. After the establishment of the Yajue Strawberry Cooperative, Zhuoma was recommended by the villagers to work here. Nowadays, a stable income of 4,500 yuan a month gives her confidence in front of her husband.

  [Concurrent] Technical staff of Ramdroma Yajue Strawberry Cooperative

  (Previously) My husband worked alone, so I could only bring children and cook at home. It's the feeling of facelessness. Now that I am fine, I can earn money, and my "confidence" in my heart is also higher, so I feel a little bit of strength in my speech.

  [Explanation] Ramdroma said that this strawberry field is a new variety cultivated by the Yajue Strawberry Cooperative, which can produce fruit all year round. Strawberries can be grown on the plateau, and many problems such as climate, water and soil have to be faced. The reason why high-yielding varieties of plateau strawberries can be cultivated here mainly depends on the technical support provided by the local government.

  [Explanation] Duobujie, secretary of the Juba village branch, recalled that it was really not easy at the beginning, but thanks to the support of the policy, the wallets of the villagers were bulged.

  [Concurrent] Secretary of Dobdjejuba Village Branch

  Hongyan (strawberry) tastes good, but (our) ability to see a doctor is very poor. If we set up a cooperative, there is a lot of support in agriculture and policy. One is technology. The Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau helps us guide training. There is also a part of financial support.

  [Explanation] The Yajue Cooperative was organized by the Gengzhang Township Party Committee and the government to organize 6 administrative villages, covering 334 households with 1473 people in the whole township, achieving the goal of Gengzhang Township Baotuan development.

  [Explanation] Like Juba Village, Lang County, Nyingchi City is also actively developing characteristic agriculture. 120 greenhouses have been built successively, and the unique pepper variety "Little Niu Jiao" was successfully bred, but it was not smooth when the pepper was first grown.

  [Concurrent] Director of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Lang County, Linzhi City, Ciyang

  It is black in color. At the beginning, we were wondering if it was a small black spot caused by germs. After testing, we discovered that our pepper contains anthocyanins. So what can be detected in this anthocyanin pepper, I can proudly say that the only domestic pepper is ours.

  [Explanation] After years of development, Lang County has used the pepper industry development model of "cooperative + base + farmers" to knock on the villagers' wealth, and the little pepper has become a "money cow" for the villagers.

  [Concurrent] Zhaxi, Secretary of the County Party Committee of Lang County, Nyingchi City

  This year, our pepper planting area in Lang County has reached more than 8,000 mu, so if we calculate the average output value of 3,000 jin now, the output value of 8,000 mu will reach more than 24 million, so the average income of pepper alone will reach more than 12,000 yuan.

  (Reported by Chi Hanyu from Linzhi, Tibet)

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]