And the eighth newsletter - your publication (29/7/2020) monitored the Egyptian wave of anger, which forced the university’s page to delete the ad, but the interaction with the ad - which the activists recycled - did not stop, and led to the university demanding an official apology for the ad, which Mohadradoun described as misleading. The historical unacceptable era of French colonialism, they said.

Activist Islam commented on the campaign in a sarcastic way, and he paraphrased the declaration. He said: "I am Napoleon who entered the honorable Al-Azhar in horses and tore and burned books and manuscripts, who entered Egypt in retaliation for the previous crusades, I am the one who died and burned the people of Egypt, I am the unjust slanderer and my sisters occupied and stole Algeria for two centuries. ".

Rana Sukariya accused the university of whitening the face of the occupation, and she tweeted, “An Orientalist and flat declaration with distinction, whitening the face of the occupation, which spread the values ​​of art and taste and gave cultural and commercial opportunities to the Egyptians.”

Mohamed Ragab accused the Minister of Culture of promoting such talk. He said, "This talk is not a vacuum, when Egypt's intellectuals headed by the Minister of Culture, Farouk Hosni, said this and were convinced that it was open and not invaded."

Abeer Abdel Aziz also mocked that the Egyptians were the ones who clung to Napoleon, "Napoleon was not occupied by Napoleon, he was contagious, and we were the ones who dwelt in it, for the sake of a man of blessing."