Alexandre Olive continues his tour of France in the Pyrénées-Atlantique. - Alexandre Olive

  • Alexandre Olive, a Parisian entrepreneur, has embarked on a Tour de France by bike for a good cause.
  • Its objective is to make the “Petits Princes” association known and to collect donations for it. 3,300 euros after 14 stages along the French coast.
  • Passing through Nouvelle-Aquitaine for a few days, he lives before a real human adventure that he shares on social networks.

"There I am facing bulls, surely bullfighting, it's still very impressive", Alexandre Olive has not lost his good humor over the kilometers. Those who are disturbed in the middle of their Tour de France by bike stopover take the opportunity to take a short break not far from Orthez in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques: "I palm myself, I meet people, I tell what I'm doing. above all… In short, the adventure is above all human, ”explains the 43-year-old Parisian business manager.

📺 “All children have dreams, but for some it is vital to make them come true. ". Discover the Association's new advertising spot, produced free of charge by Mélanie Laurent and the @altmannpacreau agency!
➡️ Sharing this spot is helping us make their # dreams come true!

- AssoPetitsPrinces (@petitsprinces) May 24, 2019

Since July 8 and his departure from the Sacré-Coeur in Paris, he has been traveling the French coast. On the program, 24 stages, 2,400 kilometers to swallow and above all 5,000 euros to collect for the association "Petits Princes". She makes dreams come true for many seriously ill children. “When I came out of confinement, I didn't have a lot of work (he runs a travel agency in particular) so I tried to be useful in other ways and I had this idea with Petits Princes…”, confides- he.

Already more than 3,300 euros collected

Deauville, Saint-Malo, Carnac, La Tranche-sur-Mer, Bordeaux, Biarritz… The entire coast will pass there as far as Monaco at a rate of 100 to 140 kilometers per day. He could do them in just "4 hours but often it's more like 8 or 9 hours because I stop, I discuss ... The objective is to make the association known and to raise a little money for the children". Moreover, out of the 14 completed stages, he only did six on his own because often friends or even strangers join him to cover a few kilometers or the entire stage. And in the evening, it happens to him to sleep with the locals. If this is the case, he himself puts 50 euros in a pot.

Today, Alexandre is aiming for the beautiful city of Pau where he is still looking for a place to stay tonight!

- 24HomeRide (@ 24HomeRide) July 27, 2020

A jackpot that climbs a little more each day, like the Pyrenean routes for the next few days. This Monday, Alexandre Olive had passed the bar of 3,300 euros. The objective should therefore be easily achieved by August 8 and his arrival on the Rock. "But it is not necessarily the most important even if it remains a good sum for the association, the human adventure and especially the exchanges, the social bond are just as important", repeats the one who also heads a marketing company (Recall Agency).

This morning, the prize pool is 3228 € in favor of the association @petitsprinces Thank you to all of you! # 24homeride

- 24HomeRide (@ 24HomeRide) July 27, 2020

So much so that all its employees will support an association in a few months through the “Recall Cares” operation. He is already thinking of new adventures like traveling through Portugal from north to south or Paris-Amsterdam… Always by bike and always for a good cause!


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