Appeals over nonstandard standards such as retirement allowance Supreme Court argued in September 29th July 5:10

In the two cases in which non-regular workers complained that it was unreasonable that there were disparities in retirement allowances and bonuses even though they were the same duties as regular employees, the Supreme Court finally heard the arguments of both sides in September Decided to open. The Supreme Court plans to open an argument in September in three other cases as well, and it is expected that judgments regarding the disparity between regular employees and non-regular employees will be shown one after another.

In a lawsuit filed by women who were contract employees of "Metro Commerce", a subsidiary of Tokyo Metro, in the last year, it was unreasonable that it was illegal for the Tokyo High Court in the second instance to pay the retirement allowance. I ordered payment of 1/4 of retirement benefits.

Also, in a lawsuit filed by a woman who was working as a secretary at the Osaka Medical University laboratory, it was judged illegal to pay bonuses at the Osaka High Court in the second trial last year, and 60% of the bonus for regular staff I am ordering payment.

Regarding these two cases, the Supreme Court's 3rd small court decided to open an argument to hear both sides' claims on September 15th.

It is expected that the Supreme Court will judge whether the disparities in retirement allowances and bonuses are illegal.

In the Supreme Court, three court cases in which contract employees working at the post office accused of illegal holidays and disparities in the treatment during the year-end and New Year holidays will also be discussed in the first small court in September, and regular employees and non-regular employees will be held. It is expected that judgments regarding the disparity of will be shown one after another.