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This summer ticks have reasons to be in luck. On the one hand we have enjoyed a particularly rainy spring that has our lush fields. On the other hand, confinement - which affects everything, including ticks - has reduced some clearing tasks. The result is that these parasites are rubbing their eight legs . They await intrepid hikers that this summer, a summer devoted to rural tourism more than ever, will be dedicated to rediscover the mountains of the country.

Should I be concerned if a tick bites me?

Most tick bites are not dangerous, but in the last month we have seen these bugs grab terrifying headlines. The reason is that ticks can act as vectors for infectious diseases. That is, carry certain bacteria or viruses in your body and transmit them with the bite. Some diseases are better known in our country, such as Lyme disease, caused by bacteria and which can cause encephalitis and arthritis, leaving sequelae if not properly treated. Others are less frequent, but which we hear more and more about, such as Crimea-Congo hemorrhagic fever. Of this viral disease, which can cause multi-organ failure and hemorrhage with a mortality of 30%, a case was described in Salamanca last June. It is the fifth since 2016.

Why have there been cases of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in Spain in recent years?

There are various theories. It is believed that the virus responsible for this disease could have been reached by migratory birds from Africa to Europe. Birds that carry ticks infected with the virus as a gift . Another theory, not exclusive, is that the blame is also due to climate change. There is less and less agricultural activity and in turn there is an increase in weeds and wild animals that can be hosts of the tick. Also, the Mediterranean climate loves these parasites. It is important to note that in Spain the confirmed cases were mainly related to ticks that infect wild animals such as roe deer or deer, not cattle or domestic animals. However, as we discussed, there are several infectious diseases transmitted by ticks and precautions should be taken.

How can I avoid tick bites?

Here are the five basic tips:

a- Use insect repellent, specifically DEET in concentrations higher than 30%. We also recommend spraying clothing with 0.5% permethrin-based repellent.

b- Use light colored clothing that covers the entire body to be able to identify well any tick that remains attached.

c- Tuck pants inside boots and socks. I know, it's not the sexiest thing but it's effective.

d- Do not sit on the ground, go off the road or play 'Dora the Explorer', especially in wooded areas.

e- Upon returning home, check the clothes because it is likely that we have brought a guest friend . If we are going to wash clothes, it is advisable to do it with hot water because cold or warm water does not kill ticks . If we are not going to wash the clothes, it is advisable to put them in the dryer at a high temperature for 10 minutes.

What areas of our body are the favorite of ticks?

After carrying out outdoor activities in areas where we have been able to come into contact with ticks, it is advisable to 'submit to an examination' and inspect our bodies well. It is important to do it as soon as possible because some ticks need a couple of days to infect. If we 'hunt' them before, we have an opportunity to prevent disease. At the time of inspection, special interest should be given in some areas because ticks love to be warm . It is advisable to especially monitor the head, inside and outside the ears, in the armpits, inside the navel, in the folds of the waist, behind the knees and in the crotch.

What is the best way to remove a tick?

The key is the tweezers! This summer in the suitcase, along with the essential masks, we must not forget to include tweezers if we are going to spend a few days in the field . Ideally, a health professional could remove the tick since in Spain we have little experience to do so. For logistical reasons this is not always possible, so here are the steps to follow:

- Use blunt-edge tweezers and disinfect them with povidone-iodine or chlorhexidine.

- Grab the tick as close to the skin surface as possible.

- Pull up with constant uniform pressure. Do not twist or pull the tick , this can cause the oral areas to detach and remain on the skin. If this occurs, the oral areas must also be removed with forceps.

- After removing the tick, clean the bite area well with soap and water.

- Finally, it is recommended not to drop the tick. It can be a valuable clinical sample to aid diagnosis. It can be kept in a container with wet paper and in the event that complications develop, it can be sent for classification and possible study.

Is removing them with gasoline or nail varnish a good idea?

All the 'grandmother's tips' about removing ticks with nail polish, cotton wool, oil, petroleum jelly, petroleum, anesthetics, cutting them with scissors, pulling with your fingers, applying heat, etc. they are not recommended because they can favor the contagion with the potential microorganisms that the tick carries inside .

What symptoms should I be alert to?

Before a tick bite, you must remain alert for four weeks from the date of the bite because the maximum incubation period for these diseases is 32 days. A doctor should be consulted if symptoms such as, among others, redness of the skin, fever, tiredness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, muscle or joint pain appear. Remember that keeping the tick as a nice souvenir can help a possible diagnosis.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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